
More Quirks

Michele at Just A Minute tagged me for the Six Quirky Things meme. I have participated in this one before, but since I'm so full of quirks, I'm sure I could come up with six more. Ha! Ha!

1) Link to the person who tagged me.
2) Mention the rules.
3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myself.
4) Tag six other blogger´s by linking to them.
5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged.

In no particular order:

  • I put at least one ice cube in my milk. It must be very cold.

  • My pj shirt cannot have any wrinkles or be bunched up underneath me. Even if I have to get back up and straighten it out.

  • I love onion flavor in cooking, but can't stand how they feel in my mouth, so I pick them out. Even if they're quite small.

  • Some people like to wear their hair the same. Not me. Not ever. I change it all the time. Long. Short. In between. Ponytail. Sticks. French braid. Barrette. Clip. Up. Down. Even if I do like it, it doesn't last long. Grows too fast to maintain a style. Plus I'm fickle.

  • I'm a total freak about doors and windows being closed and locked at our house (at least those that concern me). If it occurs to me that something might be open or not have been locked, I have to get out of bed, walk all the way through the house, and check. Then it's hard to go back to sleep because I'm sort of awake. Sigh.

  • When I near an intersection while driving, I often look at the crosswalk light to determine my approach. If it's still on WALK, I know it's clear to head on through the intersection. If it's blinking, I'm probably okay, too. But if it's a solid red hand, I slow down, because the traffic light is about to turn yellow/red.

I think I'll tag some Twitter pals:
Robin (the Pensieve one)
Lisa B

I know, that's more than six, but it's just what I felt like doing. The more the merrier, right? Feel free to join in, even if you're not tagged. Consider this an open tag invitation to you because I'm tired and have to go to bed now. I can't type any more links.


Wednesday Happenings

Wordless Wednesday is over at my photoblog today. I put up some shots of my mom's amazingly tall and beautiful hollyhocks. Spent part of the day at the Online Homeschool Conference, part at the miniature golf course in the heat, and frittered the rest away. I think the heat just melts some of my synapses together. Some days are just like that.

If you're a fan of Elisabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy, you'll want to check out Dawn's totally awesome bloggy giveaway. Although I personally want to win myself. But I'll be happy for you if you win. A little jealous, but happy nonetheless.


Monday Miscellany #2

Somehow Mondays seem to be a good time to catch up, recap, and just write randomly. So buckle up, hang on, and be prepared to be bored updated with the thrill that is my life.

SORTING & PURGING - This has become my mantra of late.

For many (way too many) years, I've been a packrat, always keeping things that I thought might be useful someday. Ha! Needless to say, the illustrious someday has never come. So I don't really care anymore. I'm so tired of being burdened with clutter. At long last, I'm in the right mental frame of mind to really, truly get rid of the excess. The Stuff Diet began a few weeks months ago, and is in full swing.

I'd love nothing more than to move (hopefully soon!) with about a third to maybe half of what we currently own. I'm planning to have a yard sale in another week and a half, so hopefully we can unload some of it and make a little money while we're at it.

While I haven't kept record, I've emptied the shredder basket probably 5-6 times. I've taken 3-4 large bags of trash out. I have an entire corner of the family room containing yard sale products. In addition, I've already mailed off 5-6 flat rate boxes of office ephemera to bloggy friends. I now have a full tote with stuff on top of paper to pass along to some homeschool moms here in town. Not only that, but the disastrous black hole that is our family room is looking tons better. You can actually walk through it, without zigzagging all over the place.

Oh, it also applies to my inbox. Yesterday, I managed to delete or file my way through some 700 emails. I had 700+ in my inbox and happily went to bed with a paltry 53 left! Whew.

We still have our offer sort of hanging out there (#7). At least preliminarily it has been accepted, but there were a couple of small things they countered with. We've agreed, verbally, but are still awaiting an official contract to sign.

I'm still participating in Hallie's class, but as ever, am behind in posting. She just put up assignment #3, and I haven't gotten #2 posted yet. Tried to work on it yesterday (while doing 15 other things at the same time), but just never got it done. Maybe today. If so, it will be up at my photoblog.

Along those lines, Carmi is on week 7 or 8 of Thematic Photographic. I'm so loving this, but haven't managed to get more than one shot (or less) per week. Sigh. Sometimes it's not even that I'm not taking pictures. But they get lost somewhere between there and the blog.

And then there's Wordless Wednesday and PhotoHunt on Saturday. Oh yeah, there's also PhotoStory Friday. I really love, love, love taking pix. I just have so much other stuff going on. Oh well, I just do my best to squeeze it all in.

Yep - it's nearly that time of year. Time to be planning and organizing and planning. It's definitely on my mind, somewhere in the dark recesses. I've been perusing some information and curriculum, not entirely sure what we'll be using this year. Of course, I know what I want to use, but that's not always in the budget, nor is it always in God's plans. So I'm praying. And praying. And researching. And realizing that we may be starting school right in the middle of moving. Wheee!

This Wednesday begins the Heart of the Matter Online Virtual Conference, and it runs through Sunday. There are some excellent speakers and topics, plus some fun giveaways. If you'd like to join in, you still have time to register. If you do, I'd surely appreciate it if you'd include my name in the "referred by" section. It means I get credit. Although I have no idea what that means. I'm already attending, so . . . not really sure there. But it's good to get credit, isn't it?

It's open enrollment time for my husband's employer and the rates have gone up substantially. To the point of ridiculousness, IMHO. So. It's time to start researching some other options. We don't want to be entirely without health and dental, but we cannot possibly afford to spend what they're asking. As if taking a pay cut weren't enough. The Comedian is in need of some orthodontic work, so it really is important to deal with this. Sigh. I'd really rather have a tooth pulled. Get it done and over with and move on. It's just really time-consuming and kind of frustrating. But it's necessary and important. So, I'll be working on that as well in the upcoming week.

I would like to be more organized in my writing. Not as in "this is too random," but staying on track with the various places that I write. Maybe even writing in advance. Gasp! I've heard that people do that. I think it would be kind of a cool thing. I think I did write a couple of blog posts in advance once. It was very handy. I plan to explore that option a bit more. I actually missed an entire post last week that I was supposed to have done. So having something in the wings, ready to go would sure be nice.

Oh yes, I'm getting Kim's BlogHop 08 package in the mail today, too.

Oh yeah, the Carnival of Bloggy Giveaways started up today. I'm not giving anything away. Not that I don't have plenty to offer. But I'd be one of those pathetic people who'd mail my package really, really late and apologize all over myself for being late. Who needs that kind of pressure? But there are plenty of other swell folks who are giving away the farm lots of great stuff. At last check, there were 375 such swell folks.

That's pretty much it. I think. My brain could wander on and on, I'm sure, but I need to get rolling. Before it gets too hot. Although it's already nearly 90 at 10:00 a.m. YUCK. I'd love it if it never got warmer than about 80. I'm just not a hot-weather kind of gal. Even the cat isn't happy about it. No playing. She just lays around all the time now. My kids are slugs. I could sure go for some more rain like we got on Friday. Alas, we're supposed to be in the 90's most of the week. I know there are plenty of you out there with higher temps, but that doesn't make me feel any better. And we all know that it's all about me. Ha! Ha!

In spite of the heat and whatever else life throws your way, I hope you all have a gloriously wonderful day!


Blog Hop 08 Prize Winner

Congratulations to Kim of Rainy Day Diamonds, the winner of my Blog Hop 08 prize.

I know there were some curious commenters wondering what I meant by, "Something that smells good. Something that reads good. Something that drinks good. And something that looks good. Four good things."

Smells good - Party Lite Cedar Patchouli votive candle

Reads good - Sweet Caroline by Rachel Hauck

Drinks good - French Vanilla Cappuccino mix (iced, perhaps?)

Looks good - Framed photo of Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods

So as soon as I get Kim's pertinent info, the goodies will be en route. Thanks to everyone who dropped by during the party last weekend. I enjoyed meeting some new peeps and hope to get around and meet a few more.

I Have Glasses

It's not okay to hit someone with glasses!

That's what ClayGuy told the Comedian earlier today.

How about that? Both boys have glasses and no one had to see an optometrist.


Thanks, ClayGuy!

I just had to mention that it was my oldest son who came up with the B bunny that I have in my header. I was teaching the Comedian about html and had written Bunny Trails on the whiteboard. Ever the doodler, ClayGuy comes along and turns my B into a bunny. I just loved it and decided to recreate it in Photoshop Elements.

I had already created a header for myself a long time ago, but it wasn't quite what I wanted. Once he doodled the bunny, I knew that was it.

I love watching my kids' creativity grow and flourish {insert big smile here}.

BlogHop 08 Winner

Sorry to be so brief and late (or late and brief, chronologically speaking), but I do have a winner for the BlogHop 08 mystery prize:

Kim at Rainy Day Diamonds is the winner of my four good things giveaway. Now, she doesn't know that she won. So unless she shows up over here before I email her, it will remain unknown.

I also don't have pix yet to post of the good things. But I will. Today's nap (and I NEVER take naps) consumed a useful part of my day. Off to my sister's for her birthday, so it's looking like tomorrow. Then I can email Kim, post photos, and mail goodies to her.


Great & Mighty God Things

In the last two days, God has just blown me away with His grace, love, and kindness towards me.

As some of you know, we're house hunting. We've been house hunting for 6 months. We've made yet another offer on a house (offer #7). However, at the same time that we made this offer, hubby's income went down - significantly. His employer decided to pay him differently. So he got the smallest check he's had in a long time last week. Now we have this offer out there and if they accept, we have to get an inspection done fairly soon, plus an appraisal.

On Monday, I was downloading our bank account information into MS Money. It wasn't pretty. Pay day was a week and a half away and things were looking bleak. Huge sigh. Our realtor calls to let us know that it looks like the bank is planning to accept our offer. With a couple of changes. One being that they want the inspection date moved up. Meaning we need to pay for an inspection, with money we don't have, sooner. Bigger sigh.

Our realtor received a worksheet for the counter proprosal. Since we decided to move forward, they'll need to send an official form. One that can be signed. We're still not sure how this will all come together. Still not under contract, but moving in that direction. I put a call into our lender to update them on hubby's income.

Great & Mighty God Thing #1:
It turns out that our loan approval was already based on hubby's basic income - without the extra hours for which he is no longer paid. His decreased income had absolutely no effect on the amount for which we're already approved. Worried for nothing.

Still stressing about how on earth we're going to make it to next pay day. Hubby's doing some work for a guy this weekend and will be paid then, but that was still a ways off. It's really not looking so good. My van's down to a quarter tank of gas, my sister's birthday is tomorrow, we have less than a gallon of milk (we go through 4-5 a week), and on it goes.

Great & Mighty God Thing #2:
I checked the account on the bank's website this morning and it was off, significantly, from what I showed in MS Money. If the rent check had come through, there shouldn't have been as much left as was shown. If it hadn't come through, we were in big trouble. I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Then I remembered that I was working with MS Money the other day, not the bank's site.

I opened our file and discovered 3-4 checks that had been entered twice. The money was taken out twice. We weren't in the hole anymore! We could actually make it to pay day without selling any blood. Praise God!

While I want the bank that's selling the house we're trying to buy to come through pretty quickly, cause we'll have an August 15th closing date, if it all comes together, I really wanted to put off the inspection until next week. Like on pay day. It's hard to be anxious and drag your feet all at the same time.

Great & Mighty God Thing #3:
Our realtor called this afternoon and guess what he had in his hot little hands on his computer in a pdf file? The inspection done by the previous buyers who had a contract on the house. They GAVE it to us. For FREE. It was done by a very picky inspector and they usually cost even more than a typical inspection. And God gave it to us.

Every single thing that I have been concerned/worried/stressed about, God has TOTALLY taken care of. And in ways that I'd never have imagined. Isn't that the way He is? We can see Options A, B, C, and D. And here comes God with Option H.

I'm humbled and floored by His kindness. He's already done it all. Jesus already paid the price for my sins - past, present, and future. He's already given me a hope and a future. Yet He cares enough about me to do these amazing things in this big old house hunting adventure. I certainly don't deserve it. But it's never been about what I deserve. It's all about His love, His grace, and His mercy. Because He's God and I'm not. And He loves me in spite of me.

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

Ahh - Much Better

Okay, I'm feeling better. It's beginning to look like it ought to. Although I cannot locate all the widget codes I copied and saved somewhere on my computer. Sigh.

It's always something. (Roseanne Roseannadanna for those of you old enough to remember!)

Feeling better is not very accurate - I'm actually excited! I tweaked and fiddled with a blog template (at my secret test blog facility) and made it into something I want! I'm finally free of the standard, everyone has it, blogger template!! Not without some assistance from my sweet friend, Amy of Split Decisionz. Considering that she is a blog designer for pay, I think it's pretty awesome that she so graciously shares tutorials, answers questions, and helps people me out when I'm trying to do my own thang.

Okay, now for some housekeeping.

BlogHop 08 Update - I DO have a winner for my Blog Hop 08 contest. Please don't think I forgot. I'll have the post up tomorrow and the winner notified.

I also won a goodie myself from the Blog Hop. A Starbucks gift card (sweetness!) from Char at DigiScrap Chat!

I still have some blogs to check out, even if the party is over. And I'm bringing the accordians! Polka, anyone?

Wordless Wednesday - Some weeks I post photos here. Some weeks I post at Photo Bunny, and some weeks I post both places. Fortunately, this was a week where I only put one up at my photo blog, since I had a totally wacked out blog template here tonight. It was kinda scary. I mean I'm certainly no blog designer. Heck, I don't really know much about html, css, or even csi. So I hope you all had a chance to swing by the photoblog and check out the pretty flower. Even better would be if you knew what type of flower it is. If I have no horticulturists to help me out, I guess I'll go ask my neighbor. It's her flower after all. Well, at least I assume it is - it's in her garden.

Seems to be the season for new digs. Besides mine, check Carrie's & Robert's new looks.

I was going to ramble on some more. You know the routine. I write little to nothing, post only photos, and then suddenly become extremely verbose all in one post. That's me - all or nothing. Ever swinging wildly past that elusive place of balance, as I fly to the other end of the spectrum. So this will do for now. I put the rest of my thoughts into other posts. Future posts. For those days when I have nothing to say don't get anything posted.

In the meantime, hope you like the new look and one of these days, I'll have my sidebar cleaned up and back in shape.



Sorry - everything is all wonky and under construction. RATS!!! Just disregard this blog and go look at a cool photo. Hopefully things will be back to normal here soon.


Let's Party, Peeps!!

Blog Hop 08What's a party without some live entertainment? Or at least live via the technological wonder that is YouTube? Let me introduce you to a band that has made our family laugh exponentially over the years. They've also provided a plethora of ongoing jokes for family and friends.

Ever watch Godzilla movies? Remember Mothra? And the two little chicks? Well, these folks came up with a masterfully brilliant song. If this doesn't get you in the par-tay mood, well . . . you should probably just go to bed and be done with today.

Without further ado . . .


Did you laugh?

Did you fall off your chair?

Was it everything you expected and more?

Are you convinced that I am completely insane, demented, non compos mentis, er, loony?

That's okay. It's better that you know this information now. I wouldn't want you to be shocked and stunned later.

We've enjoyed TDA so much that my mom's nickname is even Mothra. It's a long story. Robin said not to post too much. I've already taken up 3 minutes and 29 seconds if you watched the entire video. That, plus reading time . . . looks like I've overstayed my welcome. Oh well. What will she do? Fire me? I guess she could unlink me. Then I'd cry. Or something.

Okay, to make up for you sticking around here for my lengthy, babblingly random post, how about I include a giveaway? Leave me a comment and I'll give away something, alrighty?

Oh, I guess that's not how it works either. So. What if I tell you it will be a grab bag of sorts? Something that smells good. Something that reads good. Something that drinks good. And something that looks good. Four good things. Are you curious? Then leave a comment before Sunday, July 19th at 10:00 p.m. (mountain time) and I'll draw one lucky winner.

In the meantime, HAPPY BLOG HOPPING!! (<-- click there to go hopping)

edited to add: I missed my intro. Sorry. Not even sure what to tell you about me. The briefest of synopsis is in the "About Me" at the top right. That covers it for the most part. Feel free to check out my place. I've been writing here for nearly a couple of years now. Thanks for stopping by. :D

Are You Coming to the Party?

BlogHop 08 imageTotally short notice, I know, but there's a party tonight! It's a Blog Hop and you're invited!

Apparently this huge bloggy women's event called BlogHer is taking place this weekend in San Fran. I'm sure some of you know all about it. I know OF it, but that's about as far as that goes. Nevertheless, if you're not at BlogHer or you'd just like to meet some new bloggy friends, come join the BLOG HOP 08 at Robin's place tonight. It starts at 9 pm CST (that's 8 o'clock for those like me here in that land of Mountain Standard) and will likely keep running through the weekend.

In addition to checking out some party peeps' posts, there will be a chat taking place tonight. Fun stuff!

So come on back and check it out. Meanwhile, I'd better come up with some sort of party post. Oh, did I mention giveaways? Some partying bloggers might just be giving away stuff. At least that's an idea that Robin tossed out there. Maybe you could find something groovy to try and win. Maybe I'll find something here in the midst of my reduction of stuff.

Besides, partying on your computer means eating your own snacks, drinking your own beverage, wearing your most comfy clothes, and not using preciously expensive fuel to drive anywhere! Such a deal.

See you at the party!


Wordless Wednesday - Autumn Colors

My photoblog entry is here, along with links to more WW.


PhotoHunt: Support

I suspect you all know precisely what this supports.

Find out what other photogs chose for SUPPORT at the PhotoHunt

Project Black?

If you came here looking for a Project Black entry, it's at my photoblog.


PhotoStory Friday: My Boys

This is one of my very favorite photos of my boys. Everyone always comments on what a great picture it is. They look so sweet and loving, that I often forget the story behind this.

They had been fighting like crazy, antagonizing one another, and just generally not getting along. But then they wanted something. I don't even remember what - probably to play video games or watch a DVD. I likely commented on how poorly they were interacting with each other, so they adamantly proclaimed how well they would get along. This was the physical display of their willingness to not fight, to love each other, and to live peaceably together. They were so incredibly cute, that I just had to get a picture.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


Wordless Wednesday - Family Fireworks

More fireworks at my photo blog

You can see more WW here, here, and here.


Getting Organized

You can find my writing over here today. The July issue of Heart of the Matter Online Magazine was published this morning. This month, I share links to help you get organized in life, the kitchen, and in homeschool. There are also plenty of other great articles for your enjoyment and information.

Wishing you a superb day!

ps - I found my day planner pages. They were right where they belong. They must've been invisible last week. Whatever.


A Week of Stuff

If you're planning to participate in the Heart of the Matter Online Virtual Homeschool Conference, today is the last day for early bird pricing of $19.95! It's happening July 31 - August 3; just in time to gain some insights, ideas, and encouragement before beginning your new school year.

Click on the above image to register and to check out the speakers and schedule. If you'll include my name (Dianne - Bunny Trails) in the special instructions when you register, I'll get credit. I don't know what the credit is for, but it sounds good, right?

Disclaimer: In the below post, I will ramble and ramble on about last week. If you care to follow all the way through, kudos to you. If you chose not to read my meanderings, I won't know nor will I mind. Sometimes I just have to clear my head of all this information so I can make room for new stuff. Feel free to click away someplace else should I drone on too much. And if you come back on Wednesday, I'm sure to have some pix up for Wordless Wednesday.

Without further ado, I present A Week of Stuff

I was hardly home last week, although that really wasn't my plan. What is it that God says (and often reminds me of)? Oh yeah, Proverbs 16:9 "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." That should really be my life's verse. Because it's definitely my life. I knew I'd be busy on Monday and Tuesday, but in my version of the story, that was it. Wednesday and Thursday, we'd spend the majority of our time at home. After all, we'd had a busy weekend and I wanted to stay home. And it's all about me, you know.

Crazy, Busy Stuff


On Monday, we celebrated my neice's 9th birthday. In order for her (and my sister) to better enjoy some time at a local family fun center, my other neice, her four year old sister, came and hung out at our house for awhile. Most every time she comes over, she wants to draw. With markers. No crayons or pencils or anything else for this one. It has to be markers. While I did an incredible purge job on the instruments of writing recently, I did retain a couple sets of washable markers. Just for my neice.

She was happily playing with her teeny little toys, watching Tom & Jerry on the portable DVD player, and drawing pictures (with markers, of course) in our dining room. I stepped out to another room and when I returned, she was under the table. Looking a little, guilty, shall we say. I asked what she was doing and she didn't have a response. It was then that I noticed she had a blue marker in her hand. And on her hand. And her legs.

She was wearing the cutest little pink plaid outfit, and I didn't think my sister would be terribly thrilled with blue marker on it, so I had her come out from under the table. While at times she's a very loud and opinionated little girl, she was quite the humble child. She stood before me with her head hanging down and we had this conversation:

Me: M, where are you supposed to use markers?

M: (in a voice so soft, it was nearly inaudible) On paper.

Me: (holding out her very blue fingers) Is this paper?

M: (still using inaudible voice) No.

Me: (pointing to her lips) Is this paper?

M: (barely audible voice) No.

Me: Well, we need to put the markers away now. Since you've used them in the wrong place, you can't use markers here for awhile.

M: (head hung low, still inaudible) Okay.

So I went and got a washcloth (after taking pix, of course), said a quick "thank you" to the Crayola Company for having the brilliance to create washable markers, and cleaned up my neice's little blue act. BTW, when they say "washable" they really mean it. She cleaned up quite nicely. There was only a tiny mark on her top, which I didn't see until later. But the legs and hand? Almost entirely non-blue. Well, under the fingernails is another story, but we didn't have time for a manicure at that point.

The rest of the day was filled with house looking, lunch eating, family fun center playing, dinner out eating, and cake & present happenings at my sister and brother-in-law's house.

Fun Stuff


Tuesday was the day to go to the park with the homeschool play group. I always feel so funny saying "play group" in relation to my 14 and 13 year old sons. But they do have friends there and they always find something to do, even if it's just hanging together. There's a big, man-made lake at our local park and on one side, you're allowed to swim. It's kind of fun being in the middle of land-locked Colorado and getting to hang out at a beach. Being in Colorado, you also have to be prepared for those afternoon lightening storms.

Since I was gone all of Monday, I had to act fast to get everything together for an 11:00 start time at the lake. Hadn't been grocery shopping and bringing the requisite lunch would be a little difficult, based upon what we had in the house. So I made a quick jaunt to the grocery store. Of course, I remembered that we still wanted another set of goggles (2 of ours are missing), and some of that spray-on sun block would be easier than the lotion (although not as effective, I discovered), and I should really consider dinner since we'll be gone much of the day. Turned out not to be such a "quick" jaunt after all.

Once I finally arrived home, I threw together some lunch and drinks in the cooler, had ClayGuy get an extra camp chair from the shed, loaded up the van, and we were off. I think we arrived nearly an hour late. UGH! I hate being late. Besides, I was kind of moody. All the more reason to go to the lake and let the boys have some fun whilst I vegged in my camp chair on the beach with my friends.

Naturally, the boys wanted to play with their friends even after it was time to leave the lake (yep - the typical storm rolled in with dark clouds and lightening and chased us all away). So the Comedian headed off with his friend to the far side of our fair city. ClayGuy and I joined another family and went to our friend's house. Much frivolity was had by all. Most of all by the moms, though. We played MadLibs. We love MadLibs. If you've never played MadLibs, you should. They're cheap, easy, and enormously hilarious! They've been around for 50 years! Is that wild, or what? Not only that, they can be educational as you have to come with interesting adverbs, adjectives, nouns, and verbs ending in "ing."

We've often taken them to the ladies' retreat (when I say "we" I'm referring to the girls who carpool for the 2 1/2 hour trip to the mountains) because they're nicely portable and can be played in the van. Of course, it's usually not a good idea for the driver to write down the words. So the driver is limited to giving responses only. That, and pulling over to the side of the road when the laughing exceeds the limits of safe driving.

That evening, I participated in a long-distance Bible study on my patio. What better way to study God's word than with Carrie out in the Land of Eternal Flatness, hanging out on the patio until it's so dark I have to get a lantern, and enjoying my Dr. Pepper?

Good Stuff


Before Wednesday had arrived, I let the boys know that we were definitely staying home on Wednesday. Don't even ask about going anywhere, playing with friends, etc. Oh yeah, there's a verse about that . . . but I digress. On Tuesday, ClayGuy had wanted to go over to Big D's house. It wasn't to be, though, as D's dad needed some help from him with the deck-in-progress at their house. Well, one of ClayGuy's favorite things to do is play with D. So I let him know that I'd be happy to take him over there on Wednesday. I mean, that doesn't mean I'll be gone all day, right?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Best laid plans, yet again. Since ClayGuy was playing with a friend, the Comedian wanted to do the same. So I arranged for him to play with someone as well. We dropped of the Comedian and then I took ClayGuy to D's house. In the meantime, my sister had called to say that her best friend from back in the day was in town and they were planning to meet for lunch. Plus her dad, his gal, her aunt, and her son would be with her. I haven't seen her in 10 years and she was always a part of our family. So sure, I'll swing by Souper Salad for a nearly 2-hour lunch.

I don't quite remember what happened to the rest of my day, but I believe it involved running around, picking up kids, and getting home later than anticipated. Oh yeah, I think we looked at yet another house that we aren't going to buy.

Spontaneous Stuff


Thursday rolled around and I probably gave up on the idea of actually staying home. I mean, what was I doing, living in some fantasy land like that? Of course, I can't even tell you what I did on Thursday because I don't remember. Cause I'm kind of forgetful like that. Especially without my day planner and no calendar*. All I know is that I wasn't home. At least not much, if at all.

Forgotten Stuff


The rest was Weekend/Holiday Stuff since hubby was off and Friday was Independence Day. And here I am. Back to Monday. Stay-at-home Monday. Except for the library trip we need to make. Really. That's it.

Unless of course, the Lord directs my steps out the door and someplace else. Ha! Ha!

* No day planner pages nor calendar, you ask? How can this be? (Or maybe I'm the only one asking) I use a Franklin day planner, and have for many, many moons. Like since 1994-95 or something. When I dwelt in the land of Corporate America, we even had a Franklin-certified trainer. So I got the full-blown, day-long, very awesome Franklin training. I've been a fan ever since.

Last week, I went to put my July and August daily page into my lovely leather binder, but alas! They were nowhere to be found! All I have is a monthly calendar. Where on earth will I write my daily tasks, appointments, and notes?!?!? Here I am, one full week into July, and utterly disorganized and discombobulated. I've been feeling a little woozy.

Not only am I lacking daily planner pages, but my kitchen wall calendar is no more. I have a small space where my calendar goes, so I can't accommodate regular, full-sized calendars. But Office Depot has carried a really great one (with pockets) that has worked exceptionally well for our family the past few years. Problem is the company decided to discontinue that size. Dirty dogs!

So I promptly downloaded a handy calendar template from the Microsoft Office website. I printed a few pages at a time - mostly because I didn't want to use all the ink needed in printing the pretty, colorful scenery included with the calendar. That worked well, and in April, I printed the next three months. Of course, I didn't anticipate needing this calendar format beyond June, since surely we'd have moved by then. Ha! Ha!

When I went to pull up my calendar and print out the next batch of pages, the file wasn't there. Oh yeah, I moved a whole bunch of files off the desktop. It's probably on a CD somewhere. Oh well, I'll just re-download from the Microsoft site. That sounded good in theory. Problem is that my version of Word (which is what I used for those calendar templates in the past) is from 1997. The powers that be at Microsoft apparently decided not to continue supporting such OLD templates. The available files are all for newer versions of Word. UGH! Guess I need to find my back-up CDs and pull out my old file after all. Why can't things be simple? At least once in awhile?

Annoying Stuff


Whew! I guess that maybe I should post more often. Maybe then I wouldn't be so wordy all at one time. They (whoever "they" are) say that this type of post in blogging is very taboo! But I'm not always real good at following the rules of "they." If you're still with me . . . we'll you should get some sort of an award or something. I'll let you know if I come up with anything. Otherwise, just consider that you've put in your reading time today. And followed an adventure of non-epic proportions. Ha! Ha!
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