As for homeschool here in bunnyville, this is my planning week. I had my ideas of what curriculum we'd be using, but the money never came together for some of it. Plus I realized that I'd pretty much been mapping it out on my own . . . without prayer. Big mistake. God already knows what He has planned for our homeschool this year, and I need to get on board with His direction.
I participated in Heart of the Matter's online conference, pulled out a variety of information that I already have to peruse, and have been praying about this year. We'll be starting next week, in conjunction with most of the area schools. Not that we're required to follow their schedule, but the boys have friends who attend various schools, so it's nice for them to be available when their friends are.
I'm looking forward to this year and getting back to some structure in our home. Plus I kind of miss not really learning things. Isn't that funny? I'm ready to go back to school! Ha! Ha!
Hi Dianne!
Honestly, I think your article just made me feel better. I tend to look at the whole pile and then run the other direction, but just maybe if I looked at only one task at a time, it wouldn't feel so overwhelming.
And thanks for reminding me that school is about to start and I have NO IDEA what we are using. Excuse me now, I must go throw up!
PS - That bubble is wild! I have a lot of catching up to do!
Oh I can't believe I won! I'm super excited. I emailed you my address. I hope it went through. If not comment me again and let me know.
Thanks, Karen
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