I began to grade papers and fill in today's assignments last night, but was stopped for an online meeting with my friends over at the
Homeschool Blog Awards. Right at the beginning, we found out that another friend's 3 year old son was missing. He had been missing for three hours by this time. Needless to say, our meeting took a different turn, as each woman stopped to pray. While I wish there'd been a different outcome, Marsha's son was pulled from the pond (very large pond) later last night. Marsha is a team member at
Heart of the Matter and there's a tribute to Christian (her son) posted there today. Please drop by and please pray for this family - David, Marsha, and Christian's two older brothers (ages 9 and 7).

Somehow I could never get back to grading and assigning last night. Some things just don't seem so important in light of such tragedy. So we'll be a little behind schedule this morning. It's hard to wrap my brain around all this. Sweet little Christian is safe and happy in the arms of Jesus. His family knows this. They know they'll see him again. Yet I can't fathom how incredibly devastating to have this loss in their lives. My heart just breaks for them. Praying for peace, for comfort, for everything they need right now.
Heather has a very lovely post
here and she will be updating with all tribute links, as well as donation information. Be sure to stop by.
“And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. 1 Corinthians 12:26
Dianne, what a tragedy. Thank you for posting this.
Each time I read about a mother losing a child my heart breaks for her. I offer up a prayer for comfort from the only One who can bring her any right now. And I offer a prayer for all the friends that are grieving with her right now. God bless you each.
I have left a comment at Heart of the Matter. As I said there, words are empty at a time like this. Thank you for the comfort and prayers you are giving to the family.
I posted over there, too. And like you, having trouble maintaining a schedule today. The title of your blog seems to be appropriate. Life' little bunny trails are often unexpected.
Love your blog...
That is absolutely heartbreaking - I'll be holding mine closer tonight and thanking God for the gifts He has chosen to allow me to care for while on earth.
Praying with this family
Grandma Starr
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