Nothing new regarding the house yet. The next step is to find out if the bank which is selling the house will replace the roof, repair/replace the water heater, and remove the water softener. If they will, and we have it in writing, we can move on to the appraisal. In the meantime, it's more sorting and packing. I've gotten many of the non-essentials packed in the kitchen so far. Next up will be books.
I had planned on having a yard sale last weekend, but then decided to bypass that. The excess stuff will get listed on Craig's List, be offered to friends/family, or go to a thrift store. Now I have to resort the yard sale items into one of the three categories.
In the midst of the packing and (hopefully) moving soon, I need to get our school plans together, as I intend to start this week. I've been working on it, but had to stop and clean off my desk in the family room. It's so much more difficult to work on plans at the dining room table, because I am continually having to pick it all up and then get it all back out. It's not a very efficient process. Last year, it was so nice to have it spread out on a desk where it could stay out. Problem was, the desk was buried in . . . yep, STUFF! It's pretty much cleared off now, so I'll be able to spread it all out in there.
We have had rain here like crazy for the past three days. Other than parts of town having some flash floods and such, it's been wonderful! July was the driest month on record since something like 1927! We desperately needed the moisture. It's actually been so chilly here that we had coats on, added a blanket to the bed, have been wearing long-sleeved shirts, and I even wore boots last night. In August. Crazy.
August? I'm seeing it on the calendar, but NOT believing it! We had snow on the mountains here--SNOW! Yikes, what have I gotten myself into??? :)
We've already got leaves dropping, so I know its around the corner. Blessings on you as you pack and prepare for a move. xoxo
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