What are you doing right now that requires faith?
Merely nine words, yet they dig deep into the soul of my Christian walk. Do I live in a way that requires faith on my part? Sadly, I'd have to say, "No, not really." My life is comfortable, bordering on complacent. He mentions in this particular chapter that his life would probably look no different were he not a believer in Christ. I have to concur. If someone saw my life from afar, without actually talking to me - sort of a silent movie - I don't know that there would be anything to distinguish me from those who don't care to know Jesus.
This chapter spoke of our love for God being evidenced by what and how we give. Do we give the bare minimum, if anything? Or do we give wholly and completely? Of everything.
Another important element of giving is with our time. Most of us are so busy that the thought of adding one more thing to our weekly schedule is stressful. Instead of adding in another thing to our lives, perhaps God wants us to give Him all all of our time and let Him direct it as He sees fit. One of the most memorized verses in the whole Bible says, "For God so loved the world that He gave..." (John 3:16). Right there we see the connection between loving and giving evidently established. (from Crazy Love)
Francis' words speak volumes here. I have become so possessive and selfish with my time. As if it's mine to begin with. If I truly believe the words of Christ, and I say I am His child, how dare I claim things - time, money, possessions, talents - as MINE. I would tell you that it's all His, but I don't live that way.
Jesus Christ, God incarnate,
LET them unjustly accuse and convict Him
LET them spit upon, blindfold, and beat Him
LET them shove a crown of thick, cruel thorns into His head
LET them pierce His hands and feet with spikes as they nailed Him to the cross
LET His life be poured out in horrific pain,
KNOWING that it was God's will,
KNOWING that he would be separated from God,
KNOWING that this act would satisfy the penalty for the sins of all mankind,
KNOWING that some would still reject Him,
KNOWING that this was the only way you and I could be reconciled to a holy and just God.
In light of all that Jesus gave, how can I give so little? Do I truly love so little? Trust so little?
May this Good Friday, this Easter, this Resurrection Day be bigger and more significant. May I learn to give all out of a heart of love for my Lord and Savior.
I would say that when we were in full time ministry everyday was a walk of faith. Hard times pull my faith out of me. Homeschooling for me is a walk of faith. Right now we are at a church that requires my faith because well things just are not peachy but that is life. :D
I get what you are saying though. It's a good thought to ponder.
Happy Easter Friend
I like your response, Beth. And I will say that homeschooling is definitely a matter of faith. I could NEVER do this on my own. But too often, I try to.
I agree that hard times bring our faith to the forefront. We've been there when hubby's pay was significantly cut a few years back.
But I also know that I do not personally seek the Lord on things and trust His leading as often as I ought. I try to make my own plans and hope that God's on board with me far too often.
it is too easy to be complacent. Boy, do I know that's the truth.
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