As the DVD continued to show the audience members' reaction to the concert, I was thinking, "Gee, wouldn't it be kind of fun to see someone I know?" I don't know where thoughts like that come from. I mean, she was filming in Tennessee - a place I've never visited. I don't have any family members there. I don't really know that I know anyone there. If it were somewhere in Colorado, I could understand. Never let it be said that I'm not all about off-the-wall thoughts, though, this being one of them.
We continued enjoying the show and all of a sudden, the camera pans to a lady laughing in the front row. STOP! Back that up - I think I know her! And as much as you can know someone in the blogosphere whom you've never met IRL, I DO know her!! It was Robin at Pensieve!
Okay, I didn't KNOW for a fact that it was her, but I emailed her last night and got the response this morning that it was indeed her!
What "small world" story do you have?
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