I pulled out a couple of mixing bowls - one for the cake, one for the topping - and began assembling ingredients. Both bowls required flour, so that was quick and easy. As I added the other items, I discovered that I was putting them in the wrong bowl. Sigh. It was the chicken enchilada soup episode all over again.
A quick bit of math (see, kids, multiplying fractions is a very useful skill!) and I made somewhere around a double batch of coffee cake. Definitely enough for more than one breakfast!
And there was much rejoicing.
Cooking in Bulk part 1 was very funny... Thigns like that have happened to me, LOL...
Oh dear, sounds so familiar! Been there, done that. Worse, some of my mix-ups could not be rescued (I am convinced that one day scientists will prove that having kids twists your brain! *smile*).
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