
4th of July

“Thus may the 4th of July, that glorious and ever memorable day, be celebrated through America, by the sons of freedom, from age to age till time shall be no more. Amen and Amen.”

Virginia Gazette on July 18th, 1777

Today is such an important day - Independence Day. As I try to come up with something to post, I don't even know where to begin. How do I put into words the incredible sacrifices that have been made during the history of these United States so that we, and every other American, can live in freedom?

There were the men (and women) who bravely rejected the oppressive rule of the British monarchy, packed up and traveled away to an unknown destination in order to have religious freedom.

There've been countless men and women who've fought, and even died in many cases, in numerous battles and wars throughout the years.

Just this morning, hubby was looking up information on the invasion at Normandy. His dad fought in WWII. He was there. He was also in the Korean War. He was also a prisoner of war, shot in the leg, and put in a hole. Back in those days, soldiers didn't talk about what happened in war. Hubby has always been extremely interested in WWII. In the latter years of his dad's life, he did get to hear a few stories, but not as much as he'd have liked. Reading the account of a gentleman who went back to the Normandy region of France, hubby found himself missing his dad - a lot. His dad was just one of many who proudly gave of himself and served his country.

Even as I write this, men and women are giving their lives in service for freedom. Whether you agree with this war or not, it doesn't lessen their sacrifices.

How can I address the issues of sacrifice and liberty and not think of Jesus? He gave the ultimate sacrifice for ultimate liberty.

At my house we'll barbeque with family & friends, enjoy the afternoon, and hopefully see some fireworks. But beneath the surface, I will humbly say "thank you" - to God, to Jesus, to the many people who've gone before, and to the many who serve today.

It's so important that we never forget the sacrifices and recognize what we have today because of them.


Anonymous said...

So true...I was listening to Dennis Prager, who happens to be Jewish. He was saying our country is forgetting how special our freedom is and what it means to be an American. He thinks we should have a sort of Jewish Sedar on the 4th to remember what it's really about. He said how Passover is to remind the Jews how they were delivered from Egypt by God. He said we should sing "The Star Spangled Banner" or "God Bless America" or "America the Beautiful" at our barbeques and have a "ritual" so we don't forget our heritage.
Linda P

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

I like the idea, but I don't think we ought to SING this afternoon! Did you hear us at B's birthday?!?!? Yikes!!

Maybe you could do a solo. Maybe the kids could be your backup. The rest of us vocally challenged folks can be the audience! LOL!!

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