It's really the answer to many things: boredom, grumpiness, discontent, being in a funk, feeling overwhelmed, fragmented living, and more.
I began a tiny journal for a place to jot down the things for which I am grateful. Things I could include in this list I'm sporadically attempting to keep on my blog. Perhaps I should make more use of it.
23. ClayGuy's interest in driving
24. the shelter of our home
25. ability to turn the heat on when it's cold
26. The Comedian getting himself up at a decent time
27. our electric blanket
28. this Francis Chan interview
29. a borrowed monitor
30. my robe; threadbare, 17 years old, wearing away, but it keeps me warm
31. iced vanilla chai latte
32. freedom to homeschool
33. winning a $50 gift certificate for Lisa Leonard jewelry. I LOVE her work.
34. reading books on the iPod Touch
I'm smiling. Love this (especially after the Rut post)
Did you get the ebook version of Ann's book for review? If not, let me know and I'll give you the link. I think you'll enjoy it.
Congratulations on winning the Lisa Leonard gift card, way cool!!! Yes, I agree, gratitude is the perfect combatant to being in a rut. Great post!
We have much to be thankful for.
I love your list! I love Chai tea but it makes my heart race. I miss the Chocolate Truffle! My robe is aboiut 16 years old! I cannot ever imagine finding one I like better! I love your grateful list! Makes me feel better, too!
I'm debating whether I should get a touch or wait for the iPad to get its update - which will in all likelihood include the camera and upgraded screen.
Decisions, decisions...
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