Nor in a week.
Or even two.
Clearly, this is going to take some time.
However, by participating with the Gratitude Community and listing my One Thousand Gifts, I think it will begin to be more present in my thoughts. I've begun a small journal where I can jot down these things throughout the week to post on Mondays. Otherwise, they slip through my memory before I can get to this list.
8. good, close friends
9. free pie at Village Inn
10. John covering my tomatoes each night
11. an awesome chiropractor
12. Kinesio tape
13. shortbread
14. ceiling fans throughout the house
15. a well-running van which can carry many people.
16. short fingernails
17. a postcard for a free Starbucks drink
18. the cat
19. family game night
20. Good Eats & Alton Brown
21. free long distance
22. boys who let me take their pictures - even if they don't want to
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17
I absolutely love your post. It's true...gratitude takes time to build in our lives. I encourage you and thank you for your list. Your transparency is refreshing. Your pictures are lovely.
Praying that this week you will see even more gifts that have been given you by our Father.
blessings and grace to you
I did a journaling challenge to get to 100 things once, still fun to look back and I like the idea of expanding it... there is still room in the journal after all.
I used to do three things daily which is good for capturing minutia "Glad that the bus driver stopped" or "grateful for time to sit down with a mag" but the 100 was more timeless.
Thanks for the introduction I'm off to browse.
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