
Blog Hop '09

I love Robin's intro for the Blog Hop 09, so I decided to steal copy her idea. Imitation is the highest form of flattery . . . or something like that.

Who is Dianne of Bunny Trails?

  • Wife of John for almost 23 years

  • Mom to ClayGuy and the Comedian, two atypical teenage boys

  • Follower of Jesus Christ

  • Homeschool teacher to aforementioned teenage boys

  • Random blogger, Facebooker, and Twitterer

  • Photographer of things and stuff and sometimes people

  • photography reciprocity

  • Occasional writer

  • AKA Laughs-a-Lot-With-Big-Hair

  • Collector of magazines, scrapbook supplies, and writing instruments

  • Lover of words and word games and funny grammar books

  • Longing to lead a much simpler life

While not required, it's always fun to have a giveaway. So how about a fun little $10 Starbucks gift card keychain? They're really cute! And useful. Leave a comment to be entered. You have until 9:00 p.m. Mountain Time on Sunday, July 26th to enter.

In the meantime, I'll be sure to hop on over to check out your blog. You can follow me over in the sidebar. Thanks for dropping by! Happy hopping!!

Update: Because the flu decided to pay my home a visit over the weekend, I've had no opportunity for blog hopping myself. I also noticed that Robin extended the giveaways through this coming weekend. So I'm going to bump the closing date out until this Sunday, August 2nd at 9:00 p.m. Mountain Time.


Lara said...

I love photography too...I wish I had more time :D

Monica @ Paper Bridges said...

here there, fellow homeschool mom! great to meet you! have fun with the blog hop


Stacey @ Tree, Root, and Twig said...

Hello from the BlogHop! Nice little poem you have for those who come to comment. ;) I love your profile pic - is it a self-portrait? Very cool! I am with you on the "lover of words" thing - you said you like "funny grammar books." Have you read the book Eats, Shoots, and Leaves? Very entertaining! Glad to have "met" you here - enjoy the Hop!

The Savvy Mama said...

Hi there! I am a Christian mama too! :) This year will be our first "official" year homeschooling with our 4-year-old daughter. Thanks so much for your post... I enjoyed it!

Emily said...

Can't pass up a chance at a Starbuck's card! Cute blog. :)

Amy Bennett said...

Starbucks is one of my favorite places!

Sallie said...

This looked like so much fun and a great way to meet fellow bloggers, Dianne, that I decided to join the fun!! Thanks for posting about it on Twitter :-)


Owlhaven said...

Hi!! Thanks for coming by my place. Looks like we read a bunch of the same blogs!

Mary, mom to many

Denise said...

Hi Dianne, thanks for hopping over to mine, I'm just going through the bloghop list again this morning, it's a fun way to find great blogs. I love the name of yours, too cute. Thanks for the giveaway too, they are always fun, and I love Starbucks :-)

Rebekah said...

I love photography too!!

Following you twitter!!

Off to "snoop" around your blog!!

Debo Hobo said...

That is definitely a fun intro. That picture of you was obviously taken with a good quality camera. The clarity of the image is incredible...What kind of camera was it?

Donnetta said...

A Starbucks gift card keychain? I've never seen one but how fun!

I'm not new here, just thought I'd drop in to say Hi and maybe get a cup of coffee in the process?! :-)

Happy Friday!

Tassi said...

Great to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! Happy BlogHop to ya!

Mel said...

Coming by for the BlogHop. Love the picture of you with your camera. One day I'm gonna get a nice camera like yours. I was homeschooled growing up and it is neat to read about family's who choose to do it. I can totally relate to the big hair although mine is mostly big due to frizz! Thanks for offering the Starbucks gift card. Who can resist them?? Party on!!

Doreen said...

I love me some Starbucks!! I see we're both followers of Christ!! :) Awesomeness!! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

Erin @ Closing Time said...

I'm stopping by from the BlogHop. It's nice to meet you! Have a blessed weekend!

Niki Jolene said...

Hi there! Niki from NJ here. Nice to "meet you"! I enjoyed checking out your blog.


Unknown said...

Another Christian mommy "hopping" in to say HI!!
It's nice to meet you!
Have a Jesus meeting day :D

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from BlogHop. Lovin your blog!! And who doesn't LOVE Starbucks! LOL!

Unknown said...

Hi from N Ireland.

Always lovely to meet another Christian Mum.

Enjoy the party :)

lynette355 said...

be bopping to the blog hop here and there
love the extra goodies people are throwing in
thanks so for that
especially enjoyed getting to meet cha'

Beth said...

Hopping over from the Blog Hop! Hope to take a moment to look around and follow.

Stacie said...

Nice to meet you. I love photography. I have a lot to learn yet. But I love taking pictures and I love to scrapbook. Stopping by from the blog hop to say Hello.

~michelle pendergrass said...

Had to say hi to one of my Bloghop'08 buddies!! :)

no longer working said...

Good to meet you. I love photography too. I hope to learn to use photoshop soon.


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