If I were to go through my house and make a list of unfinished projects right now, I'd probably keel over dead from the overwhelmingly, shockingly long list of them. I'm terrific at getting started, being motivated, all gung-ho for a thing. But it's not long before I'm distracted or busy or uninterested or whatever, and the thing slips to the back burner. I see it, but just can't quite get back to it. Then one day, it just falls off the stove top. Usually next to the counter. So I can't see it at all any more. And being that I'm a visual person . . . well, out of sight, out of mind.
So I continue on with my little life, replicating this same scenario up to a dozen times a day. At times I think that I've learned to subliminally ignore all those undone tasks for self-preservation. But then there are those days. Those days when I'm acutely aware of them. I gaze over them, wishing I'd have dealt with them before, frustrated with the real estate they occupy in my home and mind.
What's a girl to do? Put myself on a project fast, make a list and check things off, run away, or just resign myself to my shortcomings? Anyone have a brilliant, fool-proof method for dealing with such things? This is one case in which it is not good to be the Queen. LOL!
Image courtesy of Photobucket
This. is. so. me. *grin*
I'm afraid I'm not going to have any advice, since I've such a habit of not getting things finished myself - but at least I can offer some "Oh I totally know what you mean" :-)
I could send Dad over there for you...
Yep, this is me too-only I call it being the Queen of Good Intentions :) LOL
I find for myself that I can't think when I can see the "unfinished" and "undone" and it usually starts to look like clutter. Yeah, it would be better to have a yard sale, but ya know what sometimes it's just not gonna happen. So, I box it all up, projects and all and take it to the Goodwill. Whew, I may not have to done what I originally wanted to do but it sure does help me to think and feel much better. At least know this, your not the only one.
BTW, thanks for the fb picture encouragement you really know how to lift a girl's spirit! Now, there's something to feel good about! Now, go pack all that up. Say, bye-bye and you'll feel mucho better. :)
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