let me take you on a trip to
Crazy Tasty Town!
We'll set the not-so-way-back machine to August 6, this year:
It was a very normal afternoon, doing stuff around the house, having friends over, editing articles, and the like. What would really give this day a kick in the pants? How about a quick run to the grocery store?
Let me back up a moment, Lucy and the kids came over and I decided to whip up a batch of ooey gooey Rice Krispie goodness. I opened the refrigerator to discover that {gasp!} I HAD NO BUTTER! ACK! No butter = no treats.
Never fear! Lucy & I would make the one-mile jaunt to the market and buy the much needed butter . . . along with a few other things of necessity, you know, like frosted flakes and sandwich bags.
Hi ho, Hi ho,
In to the store we go.
Got butter? Check.
Got Spam® Single Classic? WHAT?!? Excuse me? What is this? A handy dandy foil package of . . . yes . . . it's SPAM®! And it's NOT in a can!
OH. MY. GOSH!! Who knew?!?
Now THIS is definitely blog material. Being the
I must apologize for the blurry shots. These crazy old foil packs are just not very cooperative when it comes to posing. They're so reflective, so uptight. Not the most cooperative model, but they know full well, that in their uniqueness, particularly when they contain SPAM® Single Classics, they can get away with being stand-offish.
After my initial cover shot, the folks at SPAM® really got my attention. Did you catch this one?
IT'S SO QUICK AND EASY! Just rip and tear your way to CRAZY TASTY® town!
GET OUT! I was wondering how in the world could I get to CRAZY TASTY® town? In fact, I was pondering that very question . . . oh, I don't know . . . like once, when I was almost three, or maybe that was Funky Town. Nevertheless, I was still intrigued, to say the least. Incredibly amused, to say more than the least. Well, time to flip the package and see what other CRAZY TASTY® goodness the SPAM® folks might have for me.
Wow! Not only is it quick and easy AND the way to CRAZY TASTY® town, but it's quite welcoming in a dotted-line sort of way. (Side note: I was thinking a dotted line might be more congenial at the front door, instead of a solid threshold. Clearly, I'm on the right track.) Not only are they welcoming, they assist you with lovely, step by step illustrations demonstrating just how you may enter freely.
Step One: Grasp top corner
Step Two: Tear open pouch
Step Three: Squeeze pouch
Step Four: Enjoy tasty SPAM®
Truly, there is nothing that says lovin' like the helpful, wearable, and welcoming SPAM® Single Classic foil pack.
And if all this isn't enough SPAM®
fyi - If you make it over to view the Spammobile™, hubby has worked on it before. Being the RV SUUUPER GENIUS that he is. What can I say, it's his claim to fame.
I must share with you this blast from my (not so distant) past.
(I don't know how to link in a comment area-sorry!)
This is a fun blog. I had no idea they made Spam single packs. Personally, I can't eat the stuff because it tastes so fatty. This was a neat blog about it, nonetheless.
almost fell out of my chair with the giggles...
I must share this...
You are insanely hilarious!!
Spam = Crazy Tasty Town
I think I just threw up. In my mouth.
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