Then I remembered that I had these white board stick-on pages I'd picked up last year. They're about 11x17, so that would accommodate the people I wanted to remember to pray for. I stuck one up on the door to my studio since I'm in and out of there throughout the day. Naturally, I started out with a tidy list with plenty of white space for writing the answers to those prayers. It didn't take long to discover that I was going to run out of space rather quickly. I guess I could stick another one of those sheets on the door. Although these sheets don't always stay up so well (notice the top left corner starting to peel back). And being of the dry erase variety meant that people could inadvertently erase portions. Hmmmm....
Too bad I couldn't turn my entire door into a big dry erase board. But I'd still have the problem of inadvertent erasure.
Paint it with chalkboard paint? Same issue.
So why not write on the door? With Sharpies (or the Bic version)? It's my door, right? I can always paint over it when it's all full. I don't have to worry about accidental erasure. I have WAY more colors of Sharpies/Bics than dry erase markers. It's also big enough to include scripture at the top. A long scripture, even.
Using the magic of Photoshop brushes, I blurred out information that I didn't think needed to be public. You know, names are blurred to protect the innocent, or something like that. Hopefully what's left is generic enough. If you know it's about you, know that you're being prayed for.
So what creative ways, or not so creative ways, have you found to help you remember those for whom you want to pray?
I love this idea!! I am going to do this myself! How cool is this!!!
I love this idea!! I am going to do this myself! How cool is this!!!
Awesome idea!
Just a tip - when you are ready to paint over it, the sharpie might bleed through the paint. Try using Mr. Clean Eraser to get as much as possible off. Then bleach the door, prime it with Kilz, and repaint. It may take a few coats of primer to completely cover it. I would definitely let the primer dry overnight, and maybe even a few days, just to be sure, before painting.
(Not trying to discourage anyone from trying this... but I used to work for a private school as a painter in the summer, so I've seen my fair share of marker that won't go away.)
Thanks, Lorraine. I knew that painting over Sharpie would be somewhat of an issue, but I figured we would use Kilz first. It can't be any worse than my red wall! Ha! Ha! Worst case scenario, we buy a new door. LOL!!
What a cool idea! As to blurring names..I certainly would not be offended if anyone prayed for me!
I love this! Too bad I live in a apartment that would really, REALLY frown on my writing on the doors. But then again, the rules are that we can't paint the walls. It doesn't say anything about writing on and/or painting doors... :)
What a FABULOUS idea! ...and...ThAnK YoU for the prayers!
What a great idea!! I've debated doing it on a mirror, but the erasure issue plays into that again.
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