
Wordless Wednesday - Sunshine Artist

little artist-3 soft faded

little artist-1 soft faded

little artist-2 soft faded

For more wordlessness, go to Gabriel's blog and the Wordless Wednesday hub.


smarmoofus said...

You know they're working hard when the toes bend and flex. *giggle* So sweet. *love*


Gabriel said...

I loved this, Dianne!!! What a beautiful model, eh? :-)

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Oh I wish you had shown us the completed drawing. She looks so intent and peaceful!

fiberdoodles said...

How cute! Happy Wordless Wednesday!!

Michelle Potter said...

Oh, she is so cute! My oldest daughter loves to draw, too. Beautiful!

Shannon said...

I LOVE this! The little feet are precious. And she looks so focused...this is so sweet.

Indrani said...

Priceless captures!

Liza said...

These are so precious! Happy WW.

My entries:
Moms... Check nyo

BK said...

Lovely shots Dianne! Love those lovely feet. :)

caite said...

yep, gotta love the feet.

Anthony Samson said...

Lovely photo's Dianne

Marice said...

love it! looks like she's enjoying the sunlight :)

u may view mine here

Newlyweds Guide Francesca said...

Love those foot shots! She seems so focused. She must have been working on something very important.

kayerj said...


Ron Cooper said...

Love this pictorial trio!

Anonymous said...

Sweet feets. :) Happy Wordless Wednesday from emcogNEATO!

Anonymous said...

Love the feet picture! so cute, those little fat sausages!

Anonymous said...

Precious, precious moments...

Mine is here.

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