So he called our insurance agent, and of course, they're quite happy to provide him with a duplicate. The problem is that he had to head out from our house in the opposite direction of said military base. Then he could get his card, turn around, and head off to the actual job. What a waste of time. Especially since he's paid for his time. Or not. On top of that which we already spent looking through all that paperwork. UGH!
A big part of the problem is that our large 4-drawer, legal file cabinet was full. Oh, it had been cleaned out and organized a few years back. But somehow, things just crept in there that really had no other home, and before I knew it, there was no place to put the new papers that arrived in our house. Everyone keeps their heating pad, extension cord, and old packages of gum in the file cabinet, right?
So I prayed about it, not wanting to jump off into some project that would preempt homeschool for a few days if it wasn't the direction God wanted me to go. About a week later, I discovered that this was a very good decision.
I got myself all ready to go with the recycle bin, the shredder, and a trash can nearby. Fortunately, the file cabinet is next to the stairs, so they provided me with a place to sort some piles (in addition to the top of the cabinet). I think I emptied the recycle can twice into our big tote. I also shredded two very large stacks of stuff. What a joy to be free from all that excess!
Then I went back through the files that we wanted to keep and organized and labeled them. Now as I went through the piles of paper in the house, I'd have a place to put those items that were important. So that's exactly what I did. Sat down at my desk with the recycle, shredder, and trash and worked me way through pile after pile.
Sort of like what should've happened when my sweet husband needed his insurance card. And how it will work in the future.
Now, back to homeschool. And tax returns.
Well done! The piles are growing here...
Nice work....willing to work on our mess?? :)
Heating pad, extension cord, etc. LOL!! You should have a hamster with all the shredded paper:))
Congrats on a job well done! Do you travel and work for others?
I can totally relate-right down to the stuffed file cabinet! So glad for you. De-cluttering and de-stressing almost seem synonymous with each other!
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