
Wordless Wednesday - Gift Book?

little girls book

Edited to add - here's a link to the inside of a comparable book for those who are curious.

For more wordlessness, go here, here, and here


Gabriel said...

I love vintage pictures, and I surely like vintage books. Still... wow! :-)

Unknown said...

Some things never change...mean girls old skool style

Sprittibee said...

That's funny. Love your comment poetry. So beatnik. Thanks for linkin' me up and leavin' a link!

Because I know you have to know:
My word verification was "renen", which makes me think of that screwy little animal on Zaboomafoo that spins and goes 'renenenenenenen'...

smarmoofus said...

Wow... do I want to know the story? The title is... um... interesting in today's language.

Happy WW!

Robin said...

Ugh, that reminds me way too much of fourth grade. Not sure I want to know the story LOL.

Around the Island Photography giveaway on The Big Piece of Cake. Enter today!

Sara Elizabeth said...

I love old books and vintage covers. I hope that book has a happy ending. :)

Indrani said...

Great shot from your vintage collection.

The dB family said...

I'm curious about the story within the cover.


caite said...

it is a great photo, but I too am very curious about the book.

Ingrid said...

Sob ! Now I cry too !

Beth said...

Where did you find this?! Love the title, so descript!

Marice said...

aww thats looks interesting! thanks for sharing!

u may view mine here

Dawn said...

Well, that is certainly interesting! Vintage things usually are, though, of course. That title certainly sounds fascinating when compared to the language we use today... Have a wonderful Wednesday!

BK said...

That is a really classic book.

storyteller said...

Vintage reminder that some things remain the same even when we think they've changed ... and that 'modern' issues have deep roots.
Hugs and blessings,
Small Reflections

Anonymous said...

What a great Wordless Wednesday! Hope you have a fantastic day!

kayerj said...

love the vintage book--but I'm not sure about that title. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's just heartwrenching. I do not miss grammar school one bit when I look at this.

The Wifey

Allison Vaughn said...

Wow! This looks like a great antique! Love this!

My Wordless Wednesday

Tara R. said...

How funny. I bet that title meant something completely different then than it means today.

Will said...

Interesting. I guess this sort of thing was more accepted once upon... Kind of a disturbing cover though.

Hope your Wednesday was a happy one!

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