
need. caffeine.

I'm happy to be doing the 40 Days of Water Challenge. I'm even okay living without Dr Pepper. You know, for the most part. Not that I wouldn't like to have some, but it's still okay. The part that's really hard? No chai for breakfast. Ergo, no caffeine.

Yesterday was just fine. I drank a LOT of water and didn't mind not having other beverages. Today? Not so much. I am a big old slug. A manatee. A woman without a drop of energy. Yes, I've eaten. Yes, I'm drinking water. Yes, I took a walk. Yes, I worked in the garden. But I am in desperate need of a second wind. Or maybe it would be the first. It's hard to homeschool when the teacher's half comatose. We were discussing Fallacy Detective this morning and I began speaking in mush. Plus my eyelids had anvils on them, pushing them shut. Not good at all.

I'm sure this will pass. I just hope it's soon. There's far too much to do around here for me to be marginally coherent. At least I'm not "mostly dead all day."


Unknown said...

Good luck with the water challenge. You are a stronger woman than me! LOL

Anonymous said...

So... did you get the caffeine headache? Try some Excedrin, give you a bit of caffeine without too much like Vivarin or something.

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

I had to give up caffeine for health reasons a while back... and it was hard, very hard. It still is.

Don't worry, you can do it... and you ARE doing something good... sacrifice just makes it that much more relevant.

Unknown said...

See, you still have a good sense of humor, sneaking in that Monty Python quote...very subtle, but I caught it! LOL!

Barb said...

I'm surprised you aren't suffering from a pretty bad headache too, Dianne. That's usually a big part of caffeine withdrawal.

I drink water all day long because I know it's good for me, but I have to start my day with a cup of coffee. I have to - couldn't function if I didn't. So good for you, for being able to do this.

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