
Wordless Wednesday - Autumn Walk

As always, check out the Wordless Wednesday hub, as well as my friends, Hallie, and Gabriel for more great photos.


Gabriel said...

Great pictures, Dianne. Beautiful colours!!! And the models are gorgeous, of course...

Have a great WW day!

Anonymous said...

Love the collage! :)

Donnetta said...

What a beautiful fall collage!

Mojo said...

Happy Trails indeed! Nice collection you have here.

Jim said...

Nice picture Dianne! I was on a walk too, with a problem. :-)
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Nice! All about fall, and the great outdoors, and Colorado. You are so creative!

SuperAngel said...

that is really cute! Love it! great shots! :)

I posted a post with a ton of pictures, but it isn't wordless.. think it counts? ;)
Miss Amanda

Unknown said...

Happy WW! Great family shots. YES WE CAN!

I invite your blog readers to see America's First Family!

peace, Villager

Heather said...

those are super cute pictures! I love the collage! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots! Really love this one! Happy WW!

Hope too see u in my entries:

My Precious Niche
Just Me.. Eds
Mommy Life

sweetytots said...

nice collage.. Please Visit my entry Little J with the witches here and kids at the party here

2nd part of Halloween Trick or treat at Rockwell

Anonymous said...

What beautiful kids you have! Of course, where else would they get their good looks? :)

Happy WW!

carrie said...

nice collage! looks like good times.

The Jillybean said...

Happy WW! Love the collage!


Anonymous said...

Lovely! The collage is awesome! Is it some special photoshop trick? I would like to learn how to do that.

And I'm ready to visit. ;)

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos! Love the post. It makes me thankful that we are so blessed to live where we do!

siteseer said...

Haven't we had a beautiful Fall? I think it's about to change. Hold onto your hat.

Aisling said...

Absolutely love those colours, the whole thing is beautiful.

Red Lotus Mama said...

Very nice collage of photos! I am thinking of Hawaii: http://tinyurl.com/6dnheq. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

This is exactly how to enjoy fall. And I really appreciate the fact that you created a collage instead of showing one single photo. Great job!

Anonymous said...

i.ve never gone hiking outdoors since we got here in canada. it's one hobby i really miss...

Jennifer Chasse said...

I love your picture collection.

Always Been Different said...

love the pictures...looks like fun :-)

Happy WW!

Tink *~*~* said...

oh, I love your collage! This computer came with all sorts of Photoshop this and that - and I wish I had the patience to learn how to do stuff to photos. applause, applause to those of you who do!

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

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