
Wordless Wednesday - Breakfast

Mostly wordless. This is what happens when you can't find the toaster for your bagel.

More WW here, here, and here.


Anonymous said...

I thought for a minute that you had scorched a styrofoam plate in the oven!

Another joy of moving - lost toaster!

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE bagels....with LOTS of cream cheese!

Anonymous said...

Hey - whatever works, right? Happy Bagel, er, I mean Happy Wordless Wednesday.

smarmoofus said...

You lost your toaster? Please tell me it's because you just moved and it's packed away somewhere....? Did this work?

Happy (mostly-)Wordless Wednesday!

carrie said...

well, however you have to get things done.

Red Lotus Mama said...

Very McGyver of you!

Happy WW: http://tinyurl.com/4rpczf

chartao said...

So does it still tasted good?

Gabriel said...

LOL. That's an appropriate temporary solution! :-)

Happy WW, and thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Please let us know if that worked. It reminds me of a cooking technique I once observed in a dormitory kitchen (smile).

Robin said...

Mmm... bagels!

Anonymous said...

I hope it tasted good! :D Mine is posted HERE. Hope you drop by! Happy WW!~

earthlingorgeous said...

:) I think this still taste good :) I do it sometimes :P hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Very creative!

- Steve

Anonymous said...

Have a great day!

Please stop by both blogs for double the Wordlessness.



Unknown said...

Whatever works, right?

Happy WW

Gretchen said...

Looks yummy! I love a good toasted bagel.

Anonymous said...

however you have to do it...
come see my WW shot over at http://theneuroticmom.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Awww... come on! Where are the bacon and eggs???

Jackie said...

Thank you Gabriel for taking the time to drop in and visit.

This was my first time and of course I am sick. Murphy's law yea?

And I have had that happen to my bagel and there not very good.

Great picture. Once again thanks so much for dropping by!!:-)

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

The pie tin was all I could find and yes, the bagels tasted pretty good, really. Much better than warmed and doughy in the microwave!

Sorry, Randall, I'm not a bacon and eggs gal. Actually, I'm just not an eggs gal. And since they're cinnamon bagels, bacon didn't sound so good.

Amy said...

Don't ask me to toast your bagel for you. Visit http://4thfrog.blogspot.com/2008/10/burns-me-up.html to find out why!

Girl Raised in the South said...

I'm dreading those post-moving days when you can't find the necessities - hope it's getting smoother by the day.

Quarantine Hobby said...

Haha! Well, you work with what you can, right?

Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious; it's totally something I would do... did it work?!

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