
Wordless Wednesday - Two Heads Are Better?

Go here, here, and here for more wordlessness.


smarmoofus said...

How sweet! Is that your husband and son together? They look happy.

Happy WW!

Gabriel said...

Very cool! It reminded me of some pictures me and my dad had with Carolina's hair all over us. I'm going to post those! :-)

Happy WW, and thanks for the linky love.

carmilevy said...

I love this picture. It has such a great spirit to it: I bet you have disks chock full of happies like this!

Anonymous said...

You are so silly! I'm just glad you've got time for WW in the midst of unpacking. :-)

Anonymous said...

Two very handsome heads.

Pamela said...

blue eyes, brown eyes.

Anonymous said...

They looks soo happy! And their heads formed a heart:) Mine is posted HERE. Happy WW!~

Anonymous said...

What a charming photo. Well done, Dianne. Happy WW.

Mariposa said...


Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

That's a great shot! Worthy of framing.

Anonymous said...

aww, that's sweet.

happy wednesday. hope you can visit my WW!


Mojo said...

What a fun shot!

And no I don't use word verification. It doesn't stop me from commenting most of the time, but it can be annoying.

Daisy said...

That's a great photo... your son is your spittin image, as we say around here. :)

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign

Michelle M. said...

That is a great shot! Happy WW.

DNLee said...


Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Great picture! Magical WW to you!

Bobbie said...

LOVE the pic! You can view mine HERE


Indigo Children said...

this is so funny. It really does look like he has two heads. Great shot.

Unknown said...

good job, very cute picture.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by today!

I love the title of your blog - I can so relate!!

Maria's Space said...

What a sweet picture of their smiling faces.

Anonymous said...

It is a nice shot. Thanks for your visit and Happy WW all week long!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! I have to show this to my son. He's been wanting to do "trick" photography. This is right up his alley.

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...


I have returned so many comments today that the word verification is starting to speak to me!

Thanks for stopping by on my BATW day!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Great idea for a photo.

Love your GPS...I'll be using that one.

Thanks for stopping by my BATW yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Cool shot! You need to keep that one for something... not sure what yet...

Thanks for visiting. :-)

Anonymous said...

How funny! :)

SuperAngel said...

That's sweet! Great photo! :)
You are just partial to curly hair, huh? :)
thanks for coming by!
Miss Amanda

Unknown said...

This is too funny! Totally looks like the little head is just attached to the shoulder/neck! :)

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