Awesome God

Imagine my surprise this morning, as I was doing my Bible study (Live Abundantly - A Study in Ephesians by Lenya Heitzig), when the issue of peace was addressed! Hmmm, this makes at least the third time God's brought His peace to my attention. In fact, some of the verses I used in yesterday's post were in today's lesson. I love it when God does this type of thing.
Even better, I just discovered that there are audio teachings for this study from when Lenya taught it at
her church. I happened to pick it up at my church the other day, not knowing those recordings existed. God's so great to provide even more resources for my study!
The Moon
I got to see the eclipse last night, which was quite awesome. We had a few clouds, but they cleared out well. I did get pictures, but they're with my FILM SLR, so I need to get them developed, then I'll post them.
It's interesting that the moon has no light of its own; it just reflects the light of the sun. Reminds me of a Paul Colman Trio song, "Sun-Stars-Moon," where they sing this in the chorus:
I want to be the moon ‘cause it reflects the sun
Don't want to be the star that shines on everyone
Isn't that what we're called to be as Christians? We're to reflect the light of THE Son. Not out there shining our own light on people. Just one of those things I was thinking about as I sat outside in the cold, taking pictures of the eclipsed moon.

Hubby and I are off to THE concert tonight! Fun stuff! I don't know that I remember the last concert we went to. There was a time in my life (BC) that I went to loads of concerts. It's just not something we do so much any more. We've reached that place in life where we'd rather have the CD or download so we can listen all we want. But it is still fun to go every once in awhile.

I have like a
hundred few things I need to accomplish before we head out. And the boys have bowling this afternoon, so everything needs to be done before lunch. That being said, I should probably get off the computer and get in the shower . . . as soon as the washing machine finishes running.

Have fun at the concert! I feel the same way- just listen at home. But they are fun once in a while!
Peace to you!
I tried to see it, but there were too many clouds. Hope you have fun at the concert.
there's a song by Sara Groves that talks about us being like the moon. Something like,
"And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can't be a light unless I turn my face to you"
I love that.
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