Feeling very creative, we were getting various interesting angles and trying different settings, you know, like real professionals . . . or pseudo professionals. Having no tripod, and in order to prevent camera shake, I decided to sit in a nearby chair, feet on the edge of the fountain, and prop the camera on my knees. This turned out to be an excellent idea, as it provided the opportunity for this shot.
Which, I think, is pretty awesome, by the way.
When we had exhausted all the fun we thought we could have, we decided to make the trek back to our building. Well, the fact that our friends were waiting for us (and they were cold) probably prompted us along as well.
As I started to get up from my way scootched down position in the chair, I found that I couldn't move out of said position. My friend was walking away, so I hollered to her, "Help. I'm stuck!"
Turns out that clever little rivet on the rear pocket of my jeans was wedged in between the metal mesh of the lovely patio chairs. Really wedged. Like no way was I scooting myself out of that predicament.
My friend came back to help me, but of course, had to take a picture first. That reminds me, I don't have a copy of that one - me in the chair, scrunched down and stuck. Then she came over, asked for my small camera (the digital), stuck it under the chair, and "click." Cause that's what you do when you're a friend. And a photo junkie.
But being a friend also means not leaving your friend stuck by a rivet in a patio chair. So she helped me out after the requisite photos and laughing until we couldn't breathe. Although that didn't end until long after we were back in our room that night. Come to think of it, we enjoyed that one well into the weekend.
I love the title of your post. Certainly a Kodak moment! I think you will be laughing about this for a long time to come (and now I will, too!).
You are a woman after my own heart. Taking pictures of your peril because you know you'll need them later to remind yourself what a goof you are. I love that.
Wow, what a riveting story!
Too funny, girl. I expected to see a picture of the chair with a pair of pants draped across the seat, with the caption, "Here is the offending chair after I extracted myself..."
Thanks for sharing. Great pics of the fountain, btw.
Cindy - I thought I might have to take the chair with me for a little while there.
Extricating myself from the pants while attached to the chair would've been quite a feat! :D
That's hilarious! That a so-me situation. If it can happen to me, it will. I appreciate people who go through potentially embarrassing situations and laugh the whole way through AND share it with us so we can get a chuckle too. :)
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