Late for what? Well, THE book signing in Denver at the Tattered Cover (which, btw, is a totally rocking bookstore!) by Ree Drummond, aka Pioneer Woman. I know, I know, many of you are thinking, "WHAT?!?! How could you NOT know? Don't you read her blog EVERY SINGLE DAY? Umm, no. I read it a lot of days. But clearly not on the day when she posted her nationwide booksigning tour itinerary. Cause I'm just not that together.
So instead of being a really cool blogger who gets to post pix of the trip to the Tattered Cover, shots of Ree, loads of excited women and babies, I just read about it at Ree's blog, Melissa's blog, and I'm sure plenty of other blogs.
Ironically, I was reading Melissa's blog this morning and thinking how great it was that she got to meet Ree and get her book signed. I was also thinking that it was because she lives in the south and Ree's a southern gal and chances of her making it to the beautiful state of Colorado would be somewhere between slim and none so don't even think about it. Wrong. Phooey.
So I leave you with dust.
I know, I wanted to be there, too. Oh, and I have dust, too :)
I can hardly get a post on my own blog lately, much less keep up with all these snazzy popular blogging divas.
But I would have loved to get a copy of her cookbook and tell her how GREAT she looked in Southern Living.
Of course, Austin was probably on her book tour, too - and I probably missed her there already also.
You and me, Bunny. We seriously need to write that children's book series with our spare time, right?!
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