
Wordless Wednesday - Intense

miss kitty

Go here and here to see what others aren't saying.


Gabriel said...

What a beautiful close up!!! My post will be up in a few hours, thanks for dropping by!

kayerj said...

that is an intense stare

Dawn said...

My first reaction was "WHOA." That is an intense close-up of that kitty. I really like it. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

This kitty is focused on something VERY interesting. ;-)

Marites said...

an intense close-up, that's my first reaction. Cat's concentrating intensely on something.

Newlyweds Guide Francesca said...

What a stare! It makes for a great Halloween photo.

mariposa said...

I adore his eyes! Looks furious. grrr..

Mine's up too.

Mariposa's WW!

Manda said...

Very pretty!!!

Stacey said...

What a sweet face! He/she does seem to be very focused! :-)

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