p.s. - Sorry I haven't made the rounds of late - school plans have been rather occupying. I look forward to checking out the rest of the WW entries this week!
Married happily ever after (nearly 33 years) to a sweet, handsome, and handy man, mom to two fun, atypical young men (25 and 24), chai latte addict, photography enthusiast, Scrabble junkie, Jesus follower.
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~ Charlie Chaplin
Welcome to the insanity that is my life. I spend much of it meandering on bunny trails. Fortunately, I have my GPS - God's Positioning System - to bring me back home.
Loved this picture, Dianne! Thanks for the linky love, once again...
Maybe its a sign Autumn is on its way!!
What a great picture! Happy WW.
That's a whole lot of pine cones! Must have been a BIG windstorm.
Already? It's 100 here in SC!
oh my kids would love this!
love the shot, very orignal. Here’s my WW hope you can stop by!
I like the angle of this picture...it looks like it's autumn already in your neck of the woods!
Nice perspective -- you must have had a huge wind storm!
A trail of pine cones on the bunny trails site. Love it! It puts me in the mood for winter and the holidays.
Big wind, ay? Where are you located?
WOW you didn't have to clean all that up did you???
I haven't been making the rounds until lately either. :)
Great shot..
Happy WW
Very neat! Must have been some storm.
terrific shot :)
Utterly Speechless
Someone will have to clean up. :)
Great entry for WW :) dropping by to say hello :)
Beautiful! I love the perspective of the shot. What a great image!
What a lot of pinecones! That must have been some wind. (We have terrible wind here, but sadly, few trees...)
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