It's Week #4 in Darcy's Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop. I missed last week's Student Photo post. Pretty silly, considering how many pix I take. I may get some this week, though, and I'll be sure to post them.
We operate in FBTSOMP* mode around here quite a bit, but a day at High Altitude Academy typically goes something like this
*Fly By The Seat Of My Pants
There's a tv show that comes on at 9:00 a.m. which ClayGuy enjoys. While not conventional, I allow him that time - before school - to watch his show. If the Comedian's up in time, he joins in. Therefore, school starts sometime between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m.
Because we're just starting our third week of school, the schedule isn't real set yet, but we always begin our day with Bible reading and prayer. We're starting 2 Samuel this week.
Next up, we often take a walk around our neighborhood. Sometimes we walk over to the bread store and do a little shopping before heading back home.
Upon returning home, my guys are usually a little hungry, so a snack is in order as they begin working on their assignments. They have a fair amount of flexibility in school, so they choose what subject to do from their independent work. Their current subjects (both independent and things we do together):
Math - algebra
Science - biology
Language - Green & Latin roots (aligns with biology)
Computer - check email, typing, game programming
Art - read the Proverb that corresponds to the date and draw one of the verses, clay sculpture, sketching
History - haven't plugged this in yet
Practical Living - happens whenever I have something to teach them. In addition, they occasionally head to work with hubby and help him out.
Music - the Comedian is playing baritone again with a homeschool band
There are a couple of other things in the works. I usually don't start out with everything in the first few weeks. That's not intentional, but it seems to work out that way every year.
We usually break for lunch sometime after noon. We'll take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the day.
I think that's about it. Sometimes we wrap up a little early on Fridays to get together with some friends.
Be sure to check out the other posts and take a peek into a Day-In-The-Life of other homeschoolers.
Thanks for sharing your day with us Dianne!
Thanks for sharing your day, Dianne - I almost wish I was there ;)
lol! I fly by the seat of my pants, too! Sometimes those lead to the best kind of bunny trails.
Thanks for sharing your day.
Thanks so much for sharing ~ have a blessed week ;)
I love that - I think we operate on FBTSOMP mode, too. =)
I really love your use of 'GPS = God Positioning System.' I hope you don't mind, but I've taken the idea and written about it here.
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