
Wordless Wednesday - Bottles

Go here and here for more wordlessness.


carrie said...

Hey! cool bottle shots. Love the blue one.

The Bumbles said...

Those are really soothing - makes me want to hang out in that pantry or kitchen or wherever it is. I think it reminds me of my grandmother's shelves above her sink where she was always canning things in old mason jars. I like the last one the best.

The Mama said...

Ohhh, pretty! Love the blue one. :-)

Anonymous said...

ooh! Those are pretty!!!!

(note to self-Do. Not. Pick. Up. A. New. Hobby.)


Sara Elizabeth said...

Beautiful shots. I love the second photo. Are those real herb infused oils that you use? They look beautiful!

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I always like row pictures for some reason and these are really nice with the different colors and light coming through.

Hope all is well for you during this time of change. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Jacque said...

Very neat photo shots!
Where are these from, anyway?

We used to have a few with different vinaigrettes in them. I think we may need to have at least 2-3 , since we have a fresh green salad just about every night, don't you?


blessings friend~

Lori said...

Beautiful pictures.

Paula said...

I too am curious where you took these. If it was your house, I AM JEALOUS! :D BEAUTIFUL pictures!

Drew N said...

I appreciate these evocative images.

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