...and a little of that. I really don't have any specific things to write about. Just the usual randomness that flows through my life during a day. I was thinking that I just love the way
Miz Booshay has her random chattiness each day. I'd hate to be a copycat, yet it's such a cool style. What is it that they say . . . ? I can't remember, but it's something about copying being a high form of compliment. Yeah, that really sounded like it. Or not. Okay, I have to go find it now. Back shortly.
Okay, found it.
"Imitation is the highest form of flattery."
All that effort to say that as much as I love Miz Booshay's style, it's hers. Would that be wrong to copy it? Or would I be extending her a compliment? Knowing me, I wouldn't even stick with it. The only consistency in my life is inconsistency.

So onward and upward. Have you seen/heard/read about this law that is to take effect next month? It's the
Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act. Quite honestly, it's a little bit scary. I'm all about providing good, safe products for our kiddos. But talk about overreaching legislation. I'm sure they had good intentions when they started with this, but someone got lost along the way. In a nutshell, testing would be required on pretty much all products for use by children under the age of 12. Toys, nursery furniture, stuffed animals, etc. They would be tested by a third party for lead and phthalates. What does that mean for consignment stores? For the mom & pop business who makes handmade wooden puzzles or cars? Individuals and small businesses are not going to have the financial resources to submit to this testing. Click the sweet little bear for more information and links.

We started back to school today. A somewhat abbreviated version, because we had homeschool bowling after lunch. Then there's more bowling fun tonight with the local homeschool group. Bowl-a-riffic! Even though the boys still mess with each other, I can definitely see a difference in their behavior when the structure surrounding a school day is in place. Maybe it's just less opportunities for boy foolishness. Nevertheless, it's sure better for me. Besides, they've played WAAAAY too much Wii and Spore over the past couple of weeks. Time to move back to reality.

I have to help ClayGuy make buttercream frosting. He wants to build a house of PEZ, using frosting as mortar. Kind of cute, eh? I'll be sure and post pix. I guess he should read my
tutorial on making frosting. Nah. A blog is no substitute for mother-son bonding time.
Okay, back from a Chipotle run, and ClayGuy's busy building his PEZ home. Hubs and the Comedian are off bowling with the homeschool group (the Comedian bowled his best game ever earlier today - 157! He was hot!).

Photos are all uploaded from my camera. On the computer. On the external hard drive. No DVD yet. Maybe I'll go upload to Flickr since there aren't
that many this time. I've wanting to participate in
Project 365 and totally thought I'd do that this year. Naturally, I'm not off to the best start. Well, I guess it's not that bad. I have taken at least one shot per day. Just haven't posted yet. Some are kind of silly, but I'm shooting daily and that's the goal. I think I'll just go ahead and post them on the applicable date over at my
photo blog. It's only a week of backtracking and then the project won't spill into 2010. Besides, I may want to start a new one then. Or not. We'll see. Seems a long ways off, yet it will be here quicker than I can imagine.

I have to say that we absolutely love our new home. It's been just over three months and we like it more and more all the time. It's big enough without being too big. The family room is quite cozy - we can all watch something together, play some Wii bowling, or do our own thing, but still be together. It's also one of the warmer rooms in the house. There are still plenty of boxes to deal with (in the crawl space and the garage), but that's okay. We're here and it's good.
Oh, and the almost $400 utility bills which lit a fire under us last year to begin this venture? HALF of what they were at the old house!! And we're warm. And comfortable. What an enormous blessing!

Want a strange little blast from the past? (Unless, of course, you're too young to remember.) Check out
Robin's post. I don't want to give anything away, but do these lyrics ring a bell for anyone?
"...Singin' and jinglin' a jangle
Floatin' like the heavens above..."

I just don't think there's anything that can follow Darrell & Toni. LOL!! That will be the end of today's rambling meanderings. Hope you enjoyed this odd little journey with me.
Girl, you are a trip!
I started with randomness when I first started my blog, but I was inconsistent with it. I find that I am inconsistent with my entire blog, but whatever...no one is keeping score.
That was a fun little trip Dianne!
I worry that the new rule about children's things is really going to hurt small businesses - even online business's like Barb's at A Chelsea Morning. Seems like everytime the government is put in charge of something - this is the kind of stuff we end up with. Arrghhh....
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