
Wordless Wednesday - Reflection

More Wordless Wednesday can be found here, here, and here.


Anonymous said...

WOW very neat!!!!

carrie said...

whoa! that was trippy.

Red Lotus Mama said...

Interesting shots! Happy WW: http://tinyurl.com/6yd4jm

Robin said...

Very trippy! Great series.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a very cheerful theme. I like the flower leit-motif, Dianne. Happy WW.

Jan Parrish said...

Great shots.

Happy WW! Come link with me.

SuperAngel said...

Oh that is so cool! I love it! My Mama has a mug that a friend made for her from pottery and she put a little nob of clay down the lip of the mug a little bit. It is supposed to be like something in your cup. its kinda funny!

Great photos!
Miss Amanda

Rhonda Gales said...

That is so cool. Nice capture.

~michelle pendergrass said...

Dianne those are great shots! I stared at the first one for a long time knowing it was a light, but had no clue what it was reflected in. Brilliant!!

Quarantine Hobby said...

Wow! Those are awesome shots. Very mind boggling.

Happy WW :)

Mojo said...

That middle shot is just mind-altering. Frame that one! Then have some limited edition prints made, find a gallery and make you some coin from it too.

For reals.

Awesome shot!
(translation: wish I'd thought of it)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I was TOTALLY confused by the middle one for a sec (how did they get such a tiny lightbulb?) um. Now I just feel dumb. :) But great shots!

Anonymous said...

Amazing. You are so creative! I'd never have thought of photographing a beautiful lamp reflected in a cup of coffee.

SuperAngel said...

You should definitely read Stepping Heavenward! It is really encouraging and eye opening!

Thank you for your sweet words too!

Miss Amanda

Marsha said...

nice capture of the reflections!

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

See...you always find cool stuff to shoot. Stuff I never see! I'm not looking in the right places I guess. Great shots!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful !

Anonymous said...

uuhh there's a light bulb in your coffee/tea :P

actually that's a really cool reflection. ;-)

Jim said...

Hi Dianne, these are very pretty pictures. Real simple and pretty.
Yes, water lots are a lot higher than golf course ones and most build fancier homes on the water.
Sorry I didn't get back sooner, we are preparing for Huricane Ike around here. It should come right over us, we are 60 miles north from the center of Houston.
Happy (late) WW!

Anonymous said...

Neat photos. :)

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