Our realtor called yesterday to say that the bank (seller) has approved the repairs that we asked for on the house we're trying to buy. They initially wanted the money for the repairs to be escrowed and we'd take care of it after closing. However, the roof must be replaced or we won't make it to closing. So the listing broker is supposed to get that squared away. The appraisal has been ordered. Fortunately (for us, anyway), roofers aren't terribly busy right now, so hopefully that can get taken care of this week. IF everything comes together well (of course, that's God's call), we could be looking at closing within a couple of weeks. I suppose that means I should pack or something. Ha! Ha!
I actually have begun packing some of the non-essentials already. I became a little more serious today. I'm also still trying to purge out things I don't really need or use. I'd love to move into the new house with about 50% less STUFF than we currently have. I've also been reading a book called Too Much Stuff by Kathryn Porter. I've spent numerous years trying to organize my abundance o'stuff. Since then, my focus has shifted to decluttering and eliminating the abundance o'stuff. Throughout all this time, I've read quite a variety of books, magazine articles, and websites. This little book has been one of the most motivating for me. If you need a boost to get rid of your own excess, you may want to check this one out.
We just wrapped up our second week, and I am pleased to say that it's going fairly well. There are a couple of things we need to add into our days, but we're getting there. Of course, I realize that we may have to take a slightly modified path as I need to pack and we may be moving soon. One big hindrance right now is that the desktop isn't working very well. That's where the school programs are supposed to be. Also where the boys can do their work. Sigh. Maybe those things will have to wait until we've moved. Regardless, we're off to a good start. Praise God!
The Comedian has decided to participate in the homeschool bowling league again this year. He bowled his first turkey ever in the second game, which was pretty awesome!
"Show Me" Photo Meme
Robert at Thoughts of a Father is hosting a very fun meme this week, called "Show Me..." Each day this week (beginning today), he has a different thing to take photos of and "show" on your blog. Today's entry is "Show Me...Your Mailbox." Come join in the fun. Or at least go take a look at everyone else's mailboxes. The variety of boxes is quite interesting. Oh, you can see my entry here.
That's about it. Attempting to buy a house, homeschool, and taking photos encompass the majority of my life at the moment. Hopefully I'll have some further (good) news about the house this week.
1 comment:
That is wonderful news! And yes, I guess you should be packing and cleaning out the old. Simplify is a word I use, but know nothing about. But if I had the time to simplify, I would. I have dreams about driving up to my front door with a dump truck. Oh, if I only could.
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