Inbox Update
Inbox contained: 1746 messages, 428 unread at 9:15 last night. Upon going to bed, I had begun the whittling process, getting it down to 1271 messages, with 306 unread. Not a huge accomplishment, but definitely a start. More whittling tonight.
It's payday today. Which used to be a happy thing. Now it's just a matter of paying bills, grocery shopping, and being broke again. It's not so bad, though. I'm sort of getting used to it. That means we have about 2-4 days per month where we have the appearance of having money. The remaining 26-28 days, it's very clear we have none.
It does make for a busy day, though. Hopping online, on the phone, running around, paying bills, getting stuff, and honing in on that state of being blissfully broke. Broke is okay if the bills are paid. Mostly. Sort of. I guess.
However, God is amazingly and incredibly loving and faithful to provide. Every. Single. Time. He has never let us down. In some respects, being broke brings tremendous clarity in seeing God's provision in our lives. Anytime we see God more clearly is a good thing. So how can I bemoan no green in my purse when I can joyfully praise God?
Things are still progressing. Slower than desired (on my part), but God's timing is always better than mine anyway. I never win at that timing game. So I will trust His. The plumbing issues have been taken care of and a new water heater installed. Our loan and the appraisal are in underwriting and hopefully the roof will be replaced sometime this week. In the meantime? Packing and purging, purging and packing. Our house is in a state of boxes.
We're doing Homeschool Light 101 right now. An hour or two of packing per day doesn't cut it. So the boys do Math, English, Reading, and maybe something else. And I pack. A little is still better than nothing. Keeps their minds working, academically speaking.
Heavenly Reunion
Last Wednesday evening, there was a big old reunion in heaven as my 95 year old Grandma was welcomed into the arms of Jesus. Her husband, sister, and son were awaiting her arrival as well. While there were tears for her absence here on Earth, how could I begrudge her making it home to her final destination? No more frail body and failing memory (dementia was taking its toll). There will be a quiet graveside service for her on Wednesday in Washington. I won't be able to attend. But I plan to stop and have some time of quiet here in Colorado. She lived a good life, serving the Lord by serving and loving people. And now she has the ultimate reward - to hear the words of her Lord and Savior, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
Things to Blog Here at Bunny Trails
- Homeschool Memoirs - Last week's assignment. Maybe the week before, too. I'm behind. Imagine that.
- Upcoming blogiversary (9/27)
- Laughs A Lot With Big Hair
- Thoughts from weekend service at church
Things to Post at Photo Bunny, my photo blog:
- Through the Lens Class, Assignment 3 - Yet again, behind. Assignment 4 was posted over the weekend.
- Some shots for Carmi's Thematic Photographic. This week's theme is Close Up. I love macro shots. Now that I know how to use my camera properly.
- Wordless Wednesday, of course
- PhotoStory Friday, hopefully
And in closing (yeah, I know, you thought it'd never get here). I have to do an abbreviated version of our women's ministry newsletter. Should be quick and relatively simple (famous last words). Decide what we'll do on Friday night when the boys are gone for a friend's birthday party and we have a date night! And keep on purging and packing. I feel like Dory - Just keep packing, packing, packing. Just keep packing...
Love your attitude about being broke!! It's something I need to adopt right now because money is getting a little tight. Thanks for the reminder to look to God!!
What a timely reminder. I (kinda) blogged about this same thing today.
God's provision is truly miraculous when we stop to ponder it all, isn't it?
I was reflecting that even in our current state of nail-biting 27-29 days of very little positive cash flow (to borrow a phrase *smile*), we are still affluent.
I have food, clean water, a nice place to live, we own two cars that have gas in their tanks and are in very good condition, I have electricity when I flip a switch, and I even go out to eat a couple times a month. What luxury compared to so many....Sometimes, I just need some perspective, ya know?
Postscript from Mom...We're in Washington to bury my Mom (Grandma to Dianne) here. I just found out today her former next-door neighbor of almost 30 years passed away the same day as Mom/Grandma.
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