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Imagine, if you will, that right here in this very space, there's a nifty little video screen playing, "Road to Nowhere" by the Talking Heads.
Ha! Through the magic of YouTube, you don't have to imagine. My wish was their command.
Really, the only reason for the video is because I didn't want BooMama to think I was plagarizing by using her "Rambling All The Way to Nowhere" category. So this was my substitute. And naturally, if a Talking Heads song inserts itself into my brain, it'll be on repeat - for awhile. So now you too, can join in the redundancy of David Byrne's ever-so-unique vocals in your head. Well, only if you click on the play button for the video. Or have a good memory.
So, where was I? Oh yes, this was destined to be a rambling sort of post and I just couldn't
And then there are school plans to be completed. The last weeks have teetered on "flying-by-the-seat-of-our-pants." That can only last so long before the neurons (or something scientific sounding) begin to melt together in my brain, causing me to short-circuit. It's definitely time for real plans again.
The boys & I helped our friend move today. It was a short move, like 4 blocks, which was nice. My primary function was providing the trailer. It belongs to my dad, but my parents are out of town. Hubs had to work, so I said I'd take care of it. I am proud to announce that I was able to pull in the alley and back into her driveway at about a 45 degree angle, all in one shot! With a pick-up across the alley sort of in my way. Yessss! Not only that, I even backed it all the way down our very long driveway when I got home. It's one of those things that I know how to do it, but don't have a whole lot of actual experience. Hubby has been an RV technician for some 22 years, so I've had a lot of practice spectating. Apparently that worked. Although I doubt that I should apply the same concept to something like thoracic surgery or knife throwing.
My blog's been feeling a little neglected, cause somehow I only manage to post about twice, maybe thrice, a week. My brain is full of all sorts of things (mostly scatteredly random things) and I even say, "Gee, I should blog about this." But by the time I sit down to write it, that thought has disappeared into the nether regions of my mind. Besides, I had a Pampered Chef party on Thursday night, so that's where a good portion of my thoughts were. Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Yesterday we went to watch the current build of The Extreme Makeover Home Edition folks. It wasn't terribly exciting though. Very windy + lots of dirt = choke, choke, can't see, guess we'll go home. No celebrity sightings, no big Sears truck, chock full o' goodies. Just some gardening. I guess we showed up during a lull. But we showed up nonetheless and have pictures to prove it. So when it airs next year, we'll get to say, "Hey, we were there!" And that's what it's really all about, right?
See this? No you don't. My photo downloader was being a pain, so there's no picture here. I'll add it later. It's a SCRAP of wood. Someone wrote, "Ty, we love you" on it. I'll bet he has a whole collection of these at home. If he even has a home, other than that nice, big RV they take around the country. Sadly, he seems to have dropped this one. It was laying right there by the spectator area. I hope he doesn't miss it. Maybe someone will return it to him.
Back in the day, my sister & I were big Talking Heads fans - not that the words really meant a whole lot to us, but we totally dug their sound. We also have a nice catalog of little inside jokes based upon their music. So, I've been having me a fun time watching their YouTube videos. One of my favorite and just the silliest videos is this one:
Then I thought I'd check out a different version. Let's just say that this was MUCH MORE DIFFERENT than I'd anticipated.
I about fell off my chair laughing. The boys kept asking what was so funny. Why on earth was I laughing so hard? What can I say? It just struck me funny.
If you're feeling just a bit of Talking Heads nostalgia now, you can check out this site.
And one more for the road. Because I'm on a roll. And I couldn't help myself.
In the day to day grind of being a mom, homeschooling and general home maintenance I'd forgotten how much I like the Talking Heads. I remember "back in the day" going to see their Stop Making Sense film. Thank you for reminding me! And Kermie, that was great, I was laughing out loud! Thank you again!
You're welcome, Cyndy. I don't think anyone can watch Kermit doing David Byrne and NOT laugh! :D Thanks for dropping by.
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