
Once Upon a Time, the sequel

So the blogging was good and fun, visiting others was always interesting, and I was an avid commenter. Then my dear friend Heather conned invited me to join her at the Homeschool Blog Awards. As in to be a part of the team. She envisioned a site where homeschoolers could be encouraged, laugh a little, learn about great homeschool curricula, and learn about helpful resources. So naturally, I jumped on board.

I was later invited to contribute to another homeschool site. Which I also did. Then came the Twitter and the Facebook and ning groups. StumbleUpon, Delicious, BlogFrog, Tumblr, Flickr, TOS Crew, book reviews, 365 Projects, and Google+.

Somewhere along that crazy bunny trail, I blogged less and less and less.

I found myself missing the {yes, I'm really going to say it!} good old days of just blogging. I mean I love all the interaction and chatting with friends and staying current with the news and getting free things to review and on and on and on. But it all took me further and further away from my blog, as well as those that I used to read. And I like blogging. I like writing. I like interacting with other bloggers. But I sure do miss it.

{We interrupt this post to bring you a random picture of early morning fog shot at o'dark thirty.}

morning fog
The other day I realized that I lament not having anything to write about {which isn't true - I've been jotting down notes and recording ideas on my iPhone for quite some time} and not having time to write {which also isn't true - I fritter away a ridiculous amount of time on FB and Twitter and G+}. And then Facebook changed the landscape. Not for the better, imho. But it was the kick in the pants I needed. It's time to extricate myself from so much social media and go back to bouncing around in the blogosphere. Oh, I'm not leaving FB and Twitter and G+ completely. But I'm working on some methods to minimize their hold on my time. So if you want to see what's going on with me, you can come check out my blog again. Actually, if you click on that little "Subscribe in a reader" button in the right sidebar, you won't have to pop over here all the time. You'll know when I've posted something. Which should be more often.


Today's giveaway is actually two items. Well, five each of two items. I was privileged to receive When a Woman Trusts God by Sheila Walsh and Friendships for Grown-Ups by Lisa Whelchel from BookSneeze with the promise of a review and giveaway. I read them both, but somehow never got to the review writing and giveaway portion (sorry about that). But that means you now have the chance to them.

The reviews for these books can be read here.

Leave a comment below to be entered to win a copy of each book (5 winners total). Feel free to share on Twitter for another entry. Just be sure to come back and leave me the link to your tweet. This is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada (sorry to international friends). It's open until Wednesday, October 5 at 10:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time.


Lolli (aka Lisa) said...

I would love to read these books, especially the one on friendships. And, BTW, I love your blog, so i'm glad you will be blogging more. Wish i could get the motivation to blog more regularly. Blessings to you!

Lolli (aka Lisa) said...

I tweeted at lisaasyler, which means it will also show up on my facebook page: Lisa Lanier-Syler


Beth said...

There is so much out there to distract us, isn't there? I don't twitter (tweet?) and I'm tired of FB, but I have to say that Pinterest is becoming a slow addiction--I didn't see that on your list of things, though! :) Hope you're well and enjoying this beautiful Colorado fall!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you'll be blogging more frequently! Will be nice to hear more from you! I would enjoy reading Friendships for Grown-Ups too. Guess I could always use some of my Swagbucks and get it on Amazon, huh?
Mom :-)

Stefanie Brown said...

Looking forward to participating in the Grace For The Good Girl On-Line Bible Study with you. Excited to see what the Lord teaches and shows us.
I am now following you through Google Reader. Can't wait to see all the Lord gives you to share with us.
Have a blessed weekend...

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read both books - women always need more encouragement! As caretakers we often forget to take care of ourselves as well as we care for our loved ones. This type of book always seems to yield helpful tips and insights on how we can build ourselves and each other up in order to be the women we know we can be.


carmilevy said...

I hear ya. The rise of alternative social media platforms has forced bloggers to slice up the same-sized pie a little more finely, leaving less time to write the kinds of things blogs were exclusively used for years ago.

But here's the thing: Facebook is a chaotic universe overrun with game-playing, attention-seeking noobs. Twitter forces you to say it in 140 characters or less. Google+ is a watered down Facebook. None of them just gives you a canvas that you can call your own.

That's what blogging's always been to me. A freeform space to use as I please. And if it isn't the only game in town anymore, it's still the one that most closely matches my writer's/photographer's voice. And it isn't as clipped or ephemeral as the rest of the social media sphere.

I'll keep using the new platforms, but as complements to and not replacements for the blog. A balance thing, then, and I guess we'll always be tweaking the ingredients as the tools continue to evolve.

Either way, it's always good to cross your voice, no matter where the conversation's being held.

The dB family said...

I'm back to the blogging more too. Happily fb g+ and many of those other social sites have little interest for me these days -- even Pinterest which I could barely get enough of at the beginning is no longer interesting me. I still love reading and reading so many wonderful blogs that are out there too.

I'll tweet about your giveaway too!


Pam said...

Having just spend a Wonderful weekend with my very Dear Friend, which included seeing Lisa Welchel at the Women of Faith conference, I would LOVE to read Lisa's book "Friendships for Grown-ups". Sitting beside Lisa's friend Geri -Cousin Geri, from the old TV show "Facts of Life" - on my flight home, peaks my interest even more. Not only were they on the cast of show together, but also very good friends. I think that the timing is perfect for your offering of Lisa's book on your giveaway.

What fabulous time we had....laughing ourselves silly - NUTS, I tell ya.... ;)

It's just sad that life can be so insanely busy that it often doesn't allow enough time to spend with our dear friends as we would like.

Sheila's book When a "Woman Trusts God" also sounds terrific.... Learning to trust Him more is an area that we all have room to grow.

I will be watching for more of your blog posts!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for your diligence and your blogs always makes me smile. I so appreciate your honesty. I love Shelia Walsh's books, she's honest too.

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