I seem to be busy, but I'm not always sure with what. Of course, there's homeschool. The boys do a good portion of their work independently, so I have a little time in that regard. Some days I plan meals, do laundry, and am fairly productive. Other days, not so much.
A couple of weeks ago, we spent the weekend helping a friend move to another city. That was a big move. She has big furniture. And other things. Last weekend, she came back here to pick up her son {he stayed with us a couple days, as he had nowhere to live}.
When not moving friends, hubby's been working quite a bit. Which is good. Working = income. We like income.
There've been homeschool meetings, self defense class, a King Arthur flour demonstration, hair cuts, crop attending, and the usual things of life. Some days, there's too much time online. Just like the rest of it, some days it's under control...
Last night I got a wild hair to make a new blog header {kind of late at night, naturally}. So I threw something together and uploaded it. I'm so fickle.
The curly hair experiment: it's going well. I'm pretty settled into a good routine and am definitely seeing more defined curls than I used to have. My friend Lucy also found a hair stylist who knows curly hair. And isn't terribly expensive. Even though mine is the only haircut that we pay for, I still want to pay a reasonable price. Otherwise, I'll hardly ever get it trimmed. I'm about due, so hopefully sometime in the next few weeks.
I'm so ready for spring. As much as the cold never used to bother me, I think that after living in our last house where we froze so much of the year, my body's thermostat has reset itself. I'm also ready to clean up the flower garden and watch for the bulbs to grow. Ready to give the mostly-Square Foot Garden a go again, with a little more experience behind me. I'm ready for days when the windows can be open.
That's about it. All the not-so-thrilling living that I've been doing. I know, you can hardly stand the excitement. All two of you.
Anyway, have an awesome weekend - what's left of it. Perhaps I'll go see what I have in draft, finish some posts, and surprise you with something more than a once-a-week photo.
Hey Dianne! Love your blog header.
I think I know you from somewhere. I think perhaps you might have been a friend of my sister's? Your name (username) is familiar. Maybe? tara_hsmomof4@yahoo.com
Don't beat yourself up too much, you're just like the rest of us! You are a great wife, great mom, great daughter and great friend. Not perfect, but still pretty darn great.
Seasons. It's all about seasons. :) I'm the same way...intense for a short period of time and then...ffffzzzzt! Off to something else. Life is always busy, and you're making time for the important things (at least that's what I'm telling myself...lol). And see? You have more than three of us reading your blog!
Love the new look! I can hardly wait for spring. We had yet more snow last night and I have a doozy of a cold. We need to open the windows and get the germs out!
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