The other thing? It's really nice NOT being online so much. Of course, now that I have to play catch-up, I'm actually on more. My friend, Emily, is limiting herself (and her family) to 30 minutes two times a day online. I'm not sure what my limits will be...yet...but I definitely need some.
In the meantime, I'm nearly caught up (again) with my 365 Project. I have a couple more days' of photos go post and I'll be back on track. Actually, I was, and then we had our Modem Fry. And no, I do not want fries with that.
This has nothing to do with anything. But I really don't like posting without a photo. It's sort of like chicken enchiladas without sour cream. They're okay...just a little lacking. This is from one of our apple trees. Maybe this year we can find a way to keep the squirrels out of our apples. Yeah, right. They trashed ALL of them last year. We didn't get a single good apple. They were all on the ground with a bite or two out of them before they could ripen. And we have four apple trees. BTW, I just LOVE our blue skies here. This shot is SOOC (straight out of camera) - no editing whatsoever.
It's too windy in Colorado lately. I've had quite enough, thankyouverymuch. Buh-bye, wind. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
We went to see How to Train Your Dragon this afternoon with some friends. It was loads of fun. Not in 3-D, though. Thank you to the theaters for further raising their crazy prices. No wonder we wait for movies to come out on DVD.
I think that's about it. Must be, cause it's time to go to bed. G'night.
I enjoyed being offline all week last week--sometimes ya just gotta have a break. I did browse your pictures (great as always) but I didn't comment much as their was such a backlog in the reader. I mostly just scrolled through.
Our apple trees look the same! We have no squirrels out in the country. We're too far out, I guess. On the odd occasion we see one, they don't hang around. Our apples suffer the fate of worminess though. I make apple sauce with them. The apples that is -- preferably not the worms :o).
sprinkle cayenne pepper on the branches.IT WORKS! Even if I'm a squirrel lover I know that it works!
- you guess who this was
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