
Wordless Wednesday - Ice Drop

ice drop 1

ice drop 2

ice drop 3

For more wordlessness, check out Gabriel's blog or the WW hub.


caite said...

the poor leaf, captured in the ice like that.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Wow looks as though you captured the drip and freeze in action . Very Coooool brrr :)

PJ said...

Literally frozen in time. Beautiful.

dennisthemennis.co.uk said...


Sandy said...

am I the only one that sees a Pelican ? well at least his beak for sure. this is beautiful and amazing !
oh darn I missed your giveaway, did anyone get it right?
Love how you do your titles with the font, i'm still trying to figure out how you do that, and also love cute bunny sig tag ♥

Napaboaniya APAD said...

Brilliant shots that you've captured in a very artistic way :)

Grandma said...

The ice certainly makes some amazing transformations. You're not alone, Sandy, I can see the Pelican quite distinctly.

My WW: Stacked

smarmoofus said...

Wow, nice reflexes! I don't know how fast that drip dripped, but you caught it! I'm impressed.


BK said...

Delicately frozen in time.

Ingrid said...

It looks beautiful, unfortunately it is very cold,lol !

Rana said...

Beautiful! Happy WW!

Newlyweds Guide Francesca said...

Beautiful photos, but I'm a little tired of the ice and snow, etc. I want to see the sun again. I can't stress this enough.

Sistertex said...

Lovely progression.

Maude Lynn said...

Wow! That is seriously cool!

Anonymous said...

Amazing shots!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

I never noticed that it looks like a pelican, Sandy. But now that you mention it, I definitely do. :-)

Robyn Jones said...

Wow! I love this set of pictures! Great job!

Unknown said...

So pretty. I love it. : ) This makes winter look wonderful!

Robin said...

Very nicely captured!

Marice said...

thats amazing dianne! nice capture!

u may view mine here

Gabriel said...

Oh, wow. Dianne, that was beautiful!!! I need to grab my camera and start taking pictures!!!

Thanks for visiting my WW post; the follow up to my 'King David' story is now up! Check it out here.

Unknown said...

These are magical! I especially love the drop of water falling - great catch!

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