He's a shorts guy, regardless of the season. He owns one pair of jeans, which remain mostly unworn. They only serve a purpose if there's snow to play in and I make him wear them. Or if I'm behind on laundry and there are no shorts to be worn.
As for the feet, it's sandals all the way. Once again, he does own one pair of tennis shoes, and since I'm in the running for Meanest Mom this year, I tell him that if it's below freezing he must wear socks and tennies. Or if there's a lot of snow or rain.
Come to think of it, he might still own a pair of boots. They only see the blinding light of day if there's sledding involved. That's if they still fit him. His feet have grown significantly this past year.
The bridge he's standing on goes over a pond. But being Colorado and winter and all, it's frozen. With snow on top. But it was also a toasty 43 degrees at the park today, so sandals were well within the temperature limits.
I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I can remember playing in the snow, wearing shorts and a red down coat. I also recall wearing shoes as little as possible. Even once I began to drive, I kept a pair of flip-flops (they were th*ngs back then) under my seat, in case I may need to pop into a store or something. So even though I suffer from colander brain, I still remember being out in the cold, dressed in such attire, so I let my son do the same.
LOL. I have one of those shorts-in-the-freezing-dead-of-winter types. He's only 5 though. U'd think the world was ending when I make him wear pants so we can go to the food store.
Which park did you go to? We may get out today. I have to laugh at the Comedian when he comes to my house in his shorts and sandals when it's chilly outside...I love that God has made us all so different...what seems like a contradiction to us, is just right in His eyes!
We had some new neighbors stop by our house to ask a question. These ladies, who don't have any children, witnessed our son running out the door in hot pursuit of our little dog. He ran out barefoot, in shorts, dashing through the snow!
They were absolutely mortified and temporarily made me feel like a bad mommy until I remembered who the reaction was coming from!
Have a great day, Dianne!
Lol! I have two that are usually on the warm side too, but not to the point of wearing shorts in the winter. That's pretty amazing!
Brilliant picture, and a brilliant character study of a kid whose spirit will doubtless inspire others for a long time to come.
lol That's how my dad is too.
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