The weekly schedule prints out in a grid format and they lightly color each subject in various shades for easy readability. My boys and I all love having a weekly plan at a glance, so this is a great format.
Just what does the product cover?
History - Mystery of History (or All American History)
Bible - reading plan that includes memorization and journaling
Writing - WriteShop 1 & 2 or The Write Stuff Adventure
Literature - Literature Guides are included; you'll need to purchase specific works separately, although some are from the Bible, and some are available online or at the library. There's a nice variety of literary works included.
Vocabulary - English from the Roots Up, Volume 2
Grammar - Winston Grammar
Geography - The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide
Humanities - The Art of Poetry
Life 101 - Cracking the SAT, Do Hard Things, Hollywood Worldviews, Precepts: Finances
You provide your own math program, which makes the most sense since student can be in so many different levels at this age.
The program runs in Adobe Reader 9 (free!) and is very simple to use. Everywhere you need to go has a clickable link. The start-up screen offers you the following choices:
- Quick Start - Provides an excellent introduction and instructions. Here you will find directions for individual subjects. There is also a User Guide, Book & Program Checklist, Notebook Spines you can print out, and a Literature Evaluation form to assist you in grading literary assignments. You will also find Supplemental Activities and an Evaluation/Grading Rubric in this section.
- Browse by Subject - Specific lessons related to each subject. Also included are Supplemental resources and Graphic Organizers (a tremendous asset, particularly for visual learners).
- Browse by Date - Click on any week of the year to see that week's specific plans.
- Contact Info/License - Contact Bright Ideas Press through a variety of means, take a look at their catalog, or read the license agreement.
Full year download = $95.00
One semester download = $47.50
Full year on CD = $115.00
For a look at the actual product, check out their sample pages.
If you want to have well thought out, organized, yet flexible, plans for your homeschool, I highly recommend looking into Illuminations. Bright Ideas Press, check out the TOS Crew Blog.
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I was provided a free copy of Illuminations - Year 2, High School to review. The opinions stated here are my own.
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