That's kind of like my motivation.
I creep up that big hill and come screaming down with light speed motivation, but the rest of the time never gains quite the momentum.
I am very much like a three year old. Short attention span. Terribly short. Ditto on the motivation for just about everything.
That's precisely why I'm blogging this self challenge. I will need a kick in the pants to keep going. I need FastPass so I can quickly regain my motivation atop Disney's California Screamn'. Over and over and over again.
So what I'm pretty much saying here is that I did not succeed in my week of drinking more water. Well, I guess I did drink some more water than normal. But not nearly enough. I think I need to take a slightly stronger approach to this matter. Perhaps fill up a pitcher with all the water I should drink in a day and stick it in the frig. Then I have a visual reminder each time I open the refrigerator. That's probably a good thing, since I'm a very visual person.
Funny thing, that visual stuff. I'm getting more and more visual as the years go screaming past me. Toilet paper rolls left on the bathroom counter so I can remember to bring up a new package. Milk jugs by the front door so I'll remember to pick up more milk. It's no wonder my house is such a mess. Out of sigh, out of mind is truly the reality in my world. Therefore, I should never put anything away, right?
Speaking of digression. The flaxseed? Yeah, it's sitting on the server. You know, my visual reminder to take it. That's not panned out so well, either.
So this is my FastPass Kick in the Pants to get crackalackin' this week. {Try saying that three times fast}
Go ahead and remind me. Give me a nudge on Twitter or FB. I won't mind. Question me, even. Something's gotta give, and I'm hoping it's some excess weight, not the zipper on my pants.
To find out how this all started and what it's all about, check out the first post or the tab at up there below my header.
You're not alone! I'm not drinking enough water either. Although I managed to lose a few pounds while in the Philippines, I have a looong way to go to get back to where I want to be. It's really a mind set isn't it. You can do it!!
Do you know what worked for me. I figured out exactly how much water I needed to drink a day. Mine was determined by my weight + height + nursing baby + kidney disease = 120 ounces a day. I went to target and bought five water bottles that held approximately 24 ounces of water each. Every morning I filled each of them up and put them on a our kitchen counter. As the day went I would drink. Somedays did happen where at 4 pm, I still had 3 bottles to drink, but all in all it helped me a lot.
Two birds of a feather you & I....
crackalackin'... I thought I was the only one over 15 that said that :)
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